Got a nice surprise when I got home yesterday and checked out my bike!!!

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May 27, 2008
Some one had knocked it over during the weekend and it scratched up the left side of the bike pretty bad!!!

i know i need a cover.. and i had one, but it was too big so i took it back... and i'm supposed to be getting a garage at my apt soon... but i don't have one yet so i have to just leave it in a parking spot outside of my apt!..

got home saw some big gashes/scratches that were not previously there... noticed the clutch lever/mirror were both scratched up too... it made me sick to my stomach...

any suggestions on what to do... i've got full coverage ins... but i don't think that'll cover it.. i don't think filing a police report is gonna do much good either... :(
at least someone was nice enough to pick it back up, its tough leaving your ride outside. people always got to be touching your S#&t [mad]
i'm sure it was the same person.. just trying to cover their tracks...

the complex i'm in is nothing but college kids.. most seem pretty cool.. but my new neighbor has a party just about every night... i'm sure it was some random drunk attending his party and just pulled into the spot and bumped the back tire or something...

i'm hoping (but doubting) my complex has cameras so i can try to find out who did it...
Killer, I had sort of the same thing happen to me. I was staying at my sister's house, I got home from work in the morning, parked the bike. Went in laid down to catch some sleep, when I heard the crash and the alarm on the bike going off. I knew what had happened as my brother-in-law was just leaving to take the kids to school, he came down the driveway, cut the wheel to the right, clipped the bike pushing it over the kickstand, then didn't stop until the truck had some resistance as it was trying to climb over the front wheel. It broke the brake lever, scarfed up the mirror, and bent the rotor and shifter slightly.
I will always remember that feeling.
I will try to find the video, it was a couple years ago. It is pretty funny to see, after the initial shock.
Since it happened in a parking lot ( at least in Michigan ) a police report wont matter. Since you werent riding you should only have to pay your "comprehensive" deductable. I would get an estimate....or figure out how much the cost is to fix everything. If its less than your deductable...just fix it yourself...and be pissed off. If its more, let the insurance cover it, and pay your deductable.....and be pissed off. [mad]
I dont know how close you are to your neighbors relationship wise but I suggest you knock on some doors and ask around... maybe somebody knows some useful information... couldnt hurt to try. maybe someone heard the bike fall. good luck ( had a similar situation happen to my car)
thanks for all the suggestions guys!

mrdozer, yeah i don't think it'll be more than my deductible... but i'm going to look into it.... and i'm def pissed off!!!!! [mad]

sexynucca(lol at your name btw sorry..) i'm pretty sure it happened really late.. and only the people involved saw... as far as knocking on doors.. i know no one else in the complex.. and most are college freshman who could care less anyway....

Lefox.. yeah, moved it to a diff spot where there is no way it can be hit unless the person is just an absolute moron!!!! should be getting a garage soon.. or moving it to my gf's house or my parents... (both have a garage..)
I used to live in a apartment building on the bottom floor and parked my R6 next to my door. No one ever said anything to me about it and it was out of the way.
Do you live on the bottom floor? I had an 1st floor apt. when I was younger and built a small ramp to bring my VR750 into the apt. at night.Sucks though what happen,I agree with stirring up some crap and knocking on some doors!
i do live on bottom floor.. and i'm seriously thinking about bringing it in... or parking it next to my door...

but right now there is not enough room in the apt for the bike :(
my g/f use to live in a appartment complex and i use to park mine tucked under the stairway that went up 4 floors. Worked ok just locked it to the handrail and kept a squirt gun to spray the kids in the face when i heard them trying to play around it...:p
they have a guard rail/fence thing to only way i could put my bike under the stairs would be literally to lift it over this guard rail!! lol

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