Gotta Buell!

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2018
Scottsdale, AZ
I have had a long time lust for a Buell. I think I became aware of Buell about 7 years ago when I saw a guy coming out of a fast food joint wearing a Buell jacket. I watched him go to his bike and thought "that's an interesting and cool looking bike." I read up on Buell and kind of decided that if I was going to get back into bikes, a Buell would top my list. Well 3 Hondas later I finally adopted a Buell. It's a red 2007 XB9R. All my bikes are red, not by design but because when opportunities came, red happened to be the best of what was available. I think it has what is called a "race muffler" (two outlets) so my neighbors will hear me coming & going. In the past, my focus was always on the Lightning as I assumed the Firebolt riding position was too uncomfortable. I now believe otherwise. I actually like the position and it kinda matches two of my three Hondas (CB400F & CBX). I'm looking forward to learning more about Buell. If it only had air conditioning. Summer looks early in Phoenix!
I thought that pic looked familiar... but isn’t that the pic the seller posted in his for sale ad?

Pretty sure that isn’t the factory Buell race pipe. Maybe a Hawk or something?

Lots of red Firebolts for sale in Phoenix lately.
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Yep. That's the sellers pic. I have not taken possession yet. That's tomorrow. You in Phoenix? When I get it, I'll post a pic of the exhaust. Maybe someone here can ID it.
Cooter has a thread on here where he added some nice tips to the Hawk/Special ops muffler on the Ss he swiped from me.

One easy way to tell is that the stock and race muffler has a larger tip with the actual smaller outlet inside it.

Got the bike home last night. This ain't no Honda! This bike has attitude :eagerness: Here is a pic of the (loud) muffler. Anyone recognize?

Got the bike home last night. This ain't no Honda! This bike has attitude :eagerness: Here is a pic of the (loud) muffler. Anyone recognize?

View attachment 15258

Looks like a D&D. They are known for being one of the louder ones.

If you want a stock one, I have a stock 9 exhaust at home I'll sell you on the cheap.

In the shootout, a stock XB had a peak sound output of 113db. The D&D was sustained at 124db.

The stock muffler made 79.6hp @ 6800rpm, whereas the D&D made about 85hp at 7400rpm and 83.3 @ 6800.

You'll want to make sure the bike has the correct tune for the pipe, as running an aftermarket pipe can create a lean condition, which can cause the motor to run hot. There is no way to easily check which tune is on the bike's ECM, so you'll probably just need to upload a tune onto it. Go here... for more info.

Also, look into the RH scoop. I feel it makes a big difference especially during the summer.


You can also order this from Scottsdale HD, but bring them in the part #'s and realize they will have to order it. They are Harley guys (and gals), and will order the parts as needed... but they never were a Buell dealer, so they dont know all the in's and out's of Buells. But good peeps, nonetheless. I also order from St Paul on the regular.

And, make sure your fan is working and running.

Service manuals are available for free to download at

and don't let Cooter near your beer fridge. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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Never heard of D&D. I see they are still around but they don't mention Buell. Do you know how Jardine compares? I remember when they were a big name in car drag racing exhausts. I have a sound level meter. Might be fun to check it tonight. The PO told me it has a race ECU and he had a Buelltooth which I now have. Problem is I don't have anything Android. Already have the RH scoop. Fan works fine. And yes I download the service manual. The bike even came with the original owners manual in great condition. How did you know about my super double secret beer fridge?
If you do a search for “Buell XB exhaust shootout” you’ll see that it’s all been done before and in great detail.

The D&D pipe is now discontinued. I think Jardines sound great on xb9’s, but they are also know for falling apart. The Buelltooth dude sells a neat pipe on his site. My favorite pipe is the actual Buell race pipe. Mike lowery is in the process of selling me one now.

Did you see that the Scottsdale Beer Company went out of business? A very good source placed Cooter in that parking lot not that long ago. Fate brewing got off easy. Four peaks was another favorite of his and look what happened.
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I hope Kilt Lifter is still available! Only thing in the double secret fridge right now is Dos XX. Remember Tres XXX? Here's a picture taken by me in front of my house this morning. Guess I'm gonna have to grow a pony tail, a beard, get some tatoos and ignore guys on other bikes. Oh wait, that's a Harley thing. Never mind.
Yeah, please don’t. Lol.

As a new owner, I’d recommend doing some ground maintenance as these bikes tend to need it. It’s not like it’s a bad thing, but it’s been about 15 years and I’d doubt anyone has ever done that. Just seek them out, remove, clean and reattach firmly. Also, inspect the wheel bearings for any sign of a wobble, grease leakage, or anything fishy. Especially the rear wheel.
Good advice. Thanks. I checked the bearings as best I could before I bought it. They look very good but I'll dig a little deeper. What better way to learn the bike? Is there one of those lift things (don't know what they are called) that fits into/onto the rear axle and lifts the bike up off the floor? Never had one but it looks like the bike would need little stub thing sticking out for the lift to attach. btw thanks for the tip on the exhaust shootout. I like that kind of stuff! What a job they did!

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