GPR Stabilizer Questions

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
Hey gents,
I recently received my all black GPR steering stabilizer from a group order off of this forum, and I have a few questions about it.

First, I noticed that even on setting "0" the steering is still noticeably different. I can't make fluid movements like I used to be able to. Under 30 miles an hour it is almost retarted to try to stay straight. When I want to just turn a little, I have to use more force to turn the bars, therefore I turn them farther then I want; resulting in having to turn the bars again, most likely oversteering once more. I want to know if this is normal on the "0" setting?

Second, there is a clear liquid with a slight yellow hue that makes its way onto the bar that connect to the airbox. I'm not sure if this thing is busted and leaking the hydraulic fluid, or if it is just some sort of oil on the it to protect it during shipping.

I just want to know if the steering is supposed to be stubborn even on the "0" setting, and if the fluid I keep finding is in-fact a leak.

all in all, the stabilizer is fine at highway speeds, but anything less than that is just uncomfortable. Riding my bike isnt as fun nor as comfortable as it was before. The answers I receive will determine the next step I take. Thanks for your time.
slightly stiffer or alot stiffer?

Once i was use to mine i didn't even notise slower low speed turns till i took it off.

Don't remember mine ever haveing oil on it.
Sounds like a bad seal email or call them they have good customer service
It isn't that bad once i get the bars moving, but when I try to turn them, I have to use more force just to get them turning. This higher use of furce results in turning to much, restarting the cycle again. Maybe it is just going to take some getting used to, so that I can deal with if it is normal. It is just the low-speed turning is difficult.

On the side of the fluid, I have seen some fluid on the pewter arm that connects to the airbox (the end connected to the GPR). I have wiped it off, and it seems to come back. If this is a leak, I hope that I can get it sorted out, because i don't want a $376 paper weight on my bars.

The only problem I can forsee is the part where I dont have a receipt or anything like that, seeing as I bought it with a group from forum member Puzzled. I will have to contact him in this instance.
When I first installed mine on my 1125R, I experienced the same thing ATF. Made slow speed steering very awkward and jerky (worse while 2up). I forced myself to get used to it. When ever I could I would crank it up to 15-18 or more after I was up and moving and ride that way. Eventually it would feel normal when I put it on low settings. I think its a combo of the thing breaking in and you getting used to it. Now I can't imagine riding without it- espeacially at the track. I remember seeing oil once but not lately. Make sure its installed correctly and not binding to throw the arm out of whack which might make the shaft seal weep. If it keeps leaking I'm sure Mike will take care of it.
gpr is easy to deal with call them if it still leaking.
Puzzeled is a authorized dealer but they have a great life time warrenty
Make sure its installed correctly and not binding to throw the arm out of whack which might make the shaft seal weep. If it keeps leaking I'm sure Mike will take care of it.

Since you had a shop do the install you are going to have to check to insure its aligned correctly.

I copied your email address in my email to GPR so you will see the same response I see. These units have warranties so it's just a matter of following the correct return procedure.
I use one on my dirtbike and was always under the understanding that GPR will rebuild them for free if the vavling goes bad or they leak.
From Loren at GPR.

Hey Mike,
We have a 90 day warranty on the seals and we will handle it at no cost for your customer.
We will E-mail your customer with a UPS call tag, Which is basically a prepaid shipping label to get the unit to us. Once we get it, we will fix / replace the unit at no charge.
All we need is the customers address and we will get it emailed.
Anyone have any issues with the bolts turning white on the inside? I guess my bike got a little wet and it set for awhile. now I have all kinds of corrosion?

Anyone have any ideas on how to clean this with out damaging the finish?