Gremlins and Stuff Code 14 CEL Flashing Stumbling HWY only

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Oct 2, 2017
So, figured I would finally make a post since im stuck, been coming here a long time lurking and pretty much finding all I need to with prev. threads, however now I need some advice.
03 Xb9s 20k Miles Race exhaust and kn filter /race tune BUEGB, I will list what I did this year to it since its when it all started going down hill for me.
Jan 17 rear cyl temp sensor dies fan refuses to kick on but runs when jumped. fixed new sensor.
March starts throwing 02 sensor running lean/inactive. cali bike originally with smog removed the evap line to the intake had a whole in fixed blocked it
April again i start getting consistent code 13 this time its 02 inactive. replaced 02 with ac delco, 1 week same thing, replaced with bosch , same thing OEM replacement is fitted nothing changes...
June notice my head light is out, (all this time ive been lurking around here trying to put info together) convinced myself its either a ground or voltage regulator since my was looking crispy when I removed it for inspection. replaced the voltage regulator with Ricks which is not a OEM fit btw.
July still throwing 02 inactive/changed intake seals because of suspected leak and also sparkplugs and wires. Data logged new tune runs infinitely better and no decel popping.
August issue persists but is random always at highway speeds on cruise throttle being held steady, CEL flashes but keeps no code , doesnt stay on permanently, when It stops flashing and I get a solid CEL reads 02 inactive.
FINIALLY CHECKED CLEANED and re did all grounds except for headlight assembly. No more 02 inactive. (got tired of messing with it as you can see from my post I have two other bikes and one is a project bobber, the other being my gsxr.<-- i rode that since i got fed up but I keep coming back to the xb dammit.)

Sept Oct getting tired of messing with it, when I took it for a long test ride 100miles ish 2hr ish mixed but mostly highway a CEL flicker but it went away almost instantly i pulled to a gas station and ran the code. code 14 engine temp sensor too low/broken wire.

Besides the 100mile test ride when it gave code14 to me with in the first 5 miles , after that i never saw the cel flash and the rest of the test went smooth with no issues, coming home from work one day it flashes like I said almost 5min into the ride not even 5 miles. I get home check code14,
Important to note fan works when the bikes is running and when I stop.

okay seriously I love this bike if my solid block of text isnt proof.:mad-new::mad-new::mad-new:
Could it be a ground? Have I missed something or could the temp sensor fail since it was the first thing replaced and I was troubleshooting test riding on and off all those months? I will do several more rides to and from work 20 25min rides to see if it is a consistent throw,

I will go for another test ride and update see if its a pattern from cold starts/bike being left out overnight ect.

Sorry for the long block of text I tried to be as detailed/ as possible with pattern of issues and also keeping it sweet and to the point. Looking for help thanks guys.
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I would pull the airbox base off and check the wiring to the O2 and headtemp sensor.
If those look good and you're 100% positive all your grounds, sensors, and connections are good I'd start looking into the wiring diagram to see what wires feed the O2 signal to the ECM
That last suggestion is me thinking out loud. BC I'm not sure how you would test if the issue is actually your ECM
I would pull the airbox base off and check the wiring to the O2 and headtemp sensor.
If those look good and you're 100% positive all your grounds, sensors, and connections are good I'd start looking into the wiring diagram to see what wires feed the O2 signal to the ECM
That last suggestion is me thinking out loud. BC I'm not sure how you would test if the issue is actually your ECM

Just finished doing that can came back from a ride same issue still happening at seemingly random, i had it happen at the beginning of the ride, hesitation stumble CEL flashing inconsistently on and off and bam, no CEL nothing smooth ride for the next 20min untill I made it home. These issues do not happen during city commutes or traffic , I am also now aiming towards the ECM looking to getting a replacement from somewhere but they are all blank the only other choice I have found is IDS and I have emailed them to see if I can get a new ECM with my firmware on it. IF that fails and I hope it doesnt its possibly the Harness. Also prior to my ride when inspecting the connectors my TEMP sensor connector from the harness came off and was broken, I proceeded to cut both ends and put up a universal plug and sealed it with heatshrink. So also now I need a new sensor.
I did clear the codes trying a new battery that I purchased for the bobber/ going to get it tmrw since its garaged in a different city. If the CELs are still there I am ordering a new ECM and Engine Temp Sensor. I will report in once the new battery is installed, and test ridden.
just and update, put in a temp sensor and it is now giving me a o2 sensor inactive, i have a new sensor but this is my 3rd sensor and there is no way i have 3 bad in a row, so new ecm is ordered , tested ignition coil to be safe and it checked out as well, once the new ecm comes I will do a test drive and if it still gives me the O2 sensor i will replace that as well. cheers guys.
Hope you get it sorted out. Sounds an awful lot like a loose ground somewhere. Good luck man. Hope the ECM takes away your headache.
thanks guys I hope so too, i also feel like its a ground but i think i have checked everything both sides of the tail the battery itself obv, the engine to chassis coil that sits on rear cylinder ive changed the voltage regulator new plugs new wires, ohm tested the stator and ignition coil. Is there any ground im missing i looked at the headlight assembly but could not locate a ground is that Ully /firebolt only thing? besides physically looking at the stator ive checked everything i could think or know off.
Found this info helpful when I had grounding issue, from a post by ReadyXB, the shake test worked for me:
"Do you have a service manual? There is a complete wiring diagram and also some diagnostic procedures, such as measuring resistance to ground for several circuits. tried the "wiggle" test? If you can get the engine to a stable idle: then wiggle, shake, and/or bend the wiring harness at various places and connections (including the ECM) to see if anything happens: a change in idle, engine dies, CEL comes on, etc."
Depending what year you have (I think) there’s a ground behind the headlight near the steering rack.

*edit for credit
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you're on your 3rd O2 sensor? seriously? simply put you have a faulty ground. that is ALWAYS the cause of the problems you described. and to answer your question your 2003 has a small ground cluster at steering neck area. running design changes moved its location but yours should be attached to triple clamp pinch bolt. get a flashlight...drop to knees...go to front of bike and start searching for it. here's the complete detailed breakdown of all XB fault codes. yours specifically ground related.

Trouble Code XB Trouble Code 1125 Error Byte Error Bit (0-7) Bit Value (dec.) Meaning
11 P0122 0 5 32 TPS Voltage too low
P0123 0 6 64 TPS Voltage too high
13 P0151 0 2 4 Rear O2 Sensor always rich
P0152 0 3 8 Rear O2 Sensor always lean
P0154 0 4 16 Rear O2 Sensor inactive
14 P0117 0 0 1 Engine/Coolant Temp. Sensor Voltage too low
P0118 0 1 2 Engine/Coolant Temp. Sensor Voltage too high
15 P0112 1 6 64 Intake Air Temp. Sensor Voltage too low
P0113 1 7 128 Intake Air Temp. Sensor Voltage too high
16 P0562 1 4 16 Battery Voltage too low
P0563 1 5 32 Battery Voltage too high
21 4 0 1 Exhaust Valve always open
4 1 2 Exhaust Valve always closed
4 2 4 Exhaust Valve Controller Voltage too low
4 3 8 Exhaust Valve Controller Voltage too high
22 P1110 1 6 64 Active Intake Controller Voltage too low
P1111 5 7 128 Active Intake Controller Voltage too high
P1112 4 4 16 Active Intake Control TPS Feedback Failure
23 P0261 1 2 4 Injector 1 (Front) Control Voltage too low
P0262 1 3 8 Injector 1 (Front) Control Voltage too high
24 P2303 2 6 64 Coil 2 (Rear) Control Voltage too low
P2304 2 7 128 Coil 2 (Rear) Control Voltage too high
25 P2301 1 0 1 Coil 1 (Front) Control Voltage too low
P2302 1 1 2 Coil 1 (Front) Control Voltage too high
26 P1154 5 4 16 Clutch Switch Voltage too low
5 5 32 Clutch Switch Voltage too high
27 P1155 5 2 4 Neutral Switch Voltage too low
5 3 8 Neutral Switch Voltage too high
32 P0264 2 4 16 Injector 2 (Rear) Control Voltage too low
P0265 2 5 32 Injector 2 (Rear) Control Voltage too high
33 P0628 2 2 4 Fuel Pump Control Voltage too low
P0629 2 3 8 Fuel Pump Control Voltage too high
34 P0506 6 5 32 Idle Air Controller Position too low (RPM too high)
P0507 6 6 64 Idle Air Controller Position too high (RPM too low)
P0511 6 7 128 Idle Air Controller Circuit Failure
35 2 0 1 Tachometer Output Voltage too low
2 1 2 Tachometer Output Voltage too high
36 P0691 0 7 128 Cooling Fan 1 (Rear/Right) Control Voltage too low
43 P0502 6 2 4 Vehicle Speed Sensor Input Voltage too low
P0503 6 3 8 Vehicle Speed Sensor Input Voltage too high
6 4 16 Vehicle Speed Output Voltage too low
44 P1151 3 6 64 Bank Angle Sensor Voltage too low
P1152 3 7 128 Bank Angle Sensor Voltage too high
46 P0616 5 0 1 Starter Relay Control Voltage too low
47 P1601 5 1 2 Auxiliary Power Relay Control Voltage too low
52 P0604 3 4 16 ECM RAM Failure
53 P0605 3 3 8 ECM ROM Failure
54 P0603 3 2 4 ECM EEPROM Failure
55 P0607 3 1 2 ECM Microprocessor Failure
54 3 0 1 ECM Sync. Failure
you're on your 3rd O2 sensor? seriously? simply put you have a faulty ground. that is ALWAYS the cause of the problems you described. and to answer your question your 2003 has a small ground cluster at steering neck area. running design changes moved its location but yours should be attached to triple clamp pinch bolt. get a flashlight...drop to knees...go to front of bike and start searching for it. here's the complete detailed breakdown of all XB fault codes. yours specifically ground related.

Trouble Code XB Trouble Code 1125 Error Byte Error Bit (0-7) Bit Value (dec.) Meaning
11 P0122 0 5 32 TPS Voltage too low
P0123 0 6 64 TPS Voltage too high
13 P0151 0 2 4 Rear O2 Sensor always rich
P0152 0 3 8 Rear O2 Sensor always lean
P0154 0 4 16 Rear O2 Sensor inactive
14 P0117 0 0 1 Engine/Coolant Temp. Sensor Voltage too low
P0118 0 1 2 Engine/Coolant Temp. Sensor Voltage too high
15 P0112 1 6 64 Intake Air Temp. Sensor Voltage too low
P0113 1 7 128 Intake Air Temp. Sensor Voltage too high
16 P0562 1 4 16 Battery Voltage too low
P0563 1 5 32 Battery Voltage too high
21 4 0 1 Exhaust Valve always open
4 1 2 Exhaust Valve always closed
4 2 4 Exhaust Valve Controller Voltage too low
4 3 8 Exhaust Valve Controller Voltage too high
22 P1110 1 6 64 Active Intake Controller Voltage too low
P1111 5 7 128 Active Intake Controller Voltage too high
P1112 4 4 16 Active Intake Control TPS Feedback Failure
23 P0261 1 2 4 Injector 1 (Front) Control Voltage too low
P0262 1 3 8 Injector 1 (Front) Control Voltage too high
24 P2303 2 6 64 Coil 2 (Rear) Control Voltage too low
P2304 2 7 128 Coil 2 (Rear) Control Voltage too high
25 P2301 1 0 1 Coil 1 (Front) Control Voltage too low
P2302 1 1 2 Coil 1 (Front) Control Voltage too high
26 P1154 5 4 16 Clutch Switch Voltage too low
5 5 32 Clutch Switch Voltage too high
27 P1155 5 2 4 Neutral Switch Voltage too low
5 3 8 Neutral Switch Voltage too high
32 P0264 2 4 16 Injector 2 (Rear) Control Voltage too low
P0265 2 5 32 Injector 2 (Rear) Control Voltage too high
33 P0628 2 2 4 Fuel Pump Control Voltage too low
P0629 2 3 8 Fuel Pump Control Voltage too high
34 P0506 6 5 32 Idle Air Controller Position too low (RPM too high)
P0507 6 6 64 Idle Air Controller Position too high (RPM too low)
P0511 6 7 128 Idle Air Controller Circuit Failure
35 2 0 1 Tachometer Output Voltage too low
2 1 2 Tachometer Output Voltage too high
36 P0691 0 7 128 Cooling Fan 1 (Rear/Right) Control Voltage too low
43 P0502 6 2 4 Vehicle Speed Sensor Input Voltage too low
P0503 6 3 8 Vehicle Speed Sensor Input Voltage too high
6 4 16 Vehicle Speed Output Voltage too low
44 P1151 3 6 64 Bank Angle Sensor Voltage too low
P1152 3 7 128 Bank Angle Sensor Voltage too high
46 P0616 5 0 1 Starter Relay Control Voltage too low
47 P1601 5 1 2 Auxiliary Power Relay Control Voltage too low
52 P0604 3 4 16 ECM RAM Failure
53 P0605 3 3 8 ECM ROM Failure
54 P0603 3 2 4 ECM EEPROM Failure
55 P0607 3 1 2 ECM Microprocessor Failure
54 3 0 1 ECM Sync. Failure

So yes I agree with you I've looked at front and pulled damn near everything front fairing / windscreen looked up and down and see no ground nothing. (I got on my knees as well) I did find that my horn bracket was snapped in two...

Look I appreciate the help guys and yes I agree it's a ground issue, does anyone have a picture of said ground up front, I have no visible cluster or loose wires heading to a bolt in the front.
try this for reference. This is a Uly, but it should be extremely similar, just possibly in a slightly different spot on the rack. flyscreen grounds/?albumview=slideshow

Yes I see the same bolt on my bike and there is nothing on it I have taken off almost everything except the dash and ignition module I have no visible ground leads it any of the bolts. Whould anyone have any idea where that ground leads to? Is it part of the main harness.
With the time between riding it, I'm not sure I'd say there issues are related.

Of course the code doesn't mean 'bad sensor, replace it', it means 'I'm getting a signal I don't expect in this circuit'. Thats a big difference.

Get ECMDroid for free (, and turn on "live data" for the circuits effected. You can either look at it on your phone mount while riding, or learn how to datalog (safer:)) to see if theres an anomaly in the circuit. It will show you a wiring issue (if there is one) and allow you to narrow it down using a wiring diagram much easier than ripping the bike apart and splitting open every harness junction.

Alternatively you can just use the correct wiring diagram ( or for the manual .pdf) and just trace the code 14 circuit anyway...

If you end up replacing the ECM ( I wouldn't recommend that for now...), the firmware doesn't matter however if you do get matching firmware it will be very easy for you to put you existing fuel map on it and since you haven't mentioned that it runs poorly I'd re-use it. ECMDroid will do that too.
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Just an update, let you know the new Ecm seems to have done the trick for me 160 miles so far not as much as a stutter or a CEL flash, thanks for everyone that helped, fingers crossed I get to enjoy it before something else comes up, Cheers

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