Guess what I'm doing this weekend!

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Mar 6, 2015
Kolache Factory
Don't be jealous!


My old M2 had leaky ones when I got it, everyone recommended James blue gaskets... and for some reason they did not want to seal. I checked my flanges, bought new DS flanges, bough S&S flanges, bought another set of James blue, used Hylomar, used grease, dish soap, dry. etc,, torqued to spec, torqued to hell,.... even tried a new manifold. The end result was DS flanges, stock seals, and a liberal amout of GMS. I had plans for XB heads for the bike in the near future, so I just wanted it to seal for the moment. Moving forward...

That said, I'm sure this time around it won't be that tricky... but for you people who have done your seals... what is your preferred poison?

I'll probably do James again with a light coating of Hylomar, unless XB's have a different formula for success.

So... lets start a flame war! What seals do you like?
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Wouldn't that be great, you could lay on the freezing cold ice, in the sun, and your pecker still worked ! I want those kind of seals.

You just need the right girlfriend... Mine loved romping in the snow.

oh, and her seals never leaked.


JK I am watching this topic closely as I am going to have to deal with it soon.
That is NOT a fun job!

Due to the tight confines, I could not get the James blue seals to fit and let the flange bolts line up with the bosses on the head. Maybe if I had a 3rd hand it could have happened, but I also bought a set of stock seals as a fall back.

Anyhow, if you haven't read others posts about this task, please do! Getting the correct tools to do this job is paramount! I wound up cutting down a old 1/2" wrench. I also cut down a old 1/4" Allen wrench and was able to finagle that into working with a small 1/4" wrench.

So, it starts right up and revs well, no more stumble, even when cold. So, yay!

And... while I was laying on the ground, I noticed a leaky fork seal. Dang! I just rebuilt those! Ugh!
^^^^^knock it off shaughn! SeaFoam shall not be taken lightly or joked about. it's a serious additive for serious riders.

aaron: here's your part numbers. don't know the year of your XB so listed all except ulysses seals. i'm assuming you're going to local dealer to fetch these so only provided OEM part numbers. all balls also has nice seal and dust cover kits available.
IMPORTANT: don't make the mistake many others have made during installation. THE PRINTING ON THE SEAL FACE ALWAYS FACES ATMOSPHERE!!!

early model XB up thru 2004
fork seal - 45875-84A
dust seal - J8130.02A8 comes two in one package

2005 and later except uly
Lightning Fork Seal J8127.3A8.......1 per package
Sorry it took so long. I really apologize. I drove from LA to the dealer near you in Phx and had the guy look them up. Lunatic is right, those are the numbers. I'm on my way back to LA right now, but stopped at a rest stop to post this for you.

I'll drop them in the mail first thing, unless you want me to come back out and install them? I could be back in the morning...
No leak race map worked flawlessly!

After I installed the new seal, of course. ;)

I think it took me more time to take the fork off than replace the seal. I'm getting pretty good at these forks now, but they are pretty straightforward. The trick was realizing I could unscrew the fork cap from the damper rod assy. That's a big time saver. I also had to keep in mind that the assembly procedure for the wiper,seal, washer and bushing is backwards from a regular (non-USD) fork.
I cleaned mine with the Seals Mating , and it stopped the leak. I was pleasantly surprised. :up:
sealmate1.jpg imaseages.jpg
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