Had a bad crash yesterday

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Sorry, the shifter and linkages were ripped off during the crash. Sheared the pegs off too on the left side.
Yes crashes suck and suck a lot; I too went down hard last month and hairlined my hip. However, posts like this reinforce the ATGATT rule (thanks Dave) and anyone who doesn't follow it will after they take spill hard. If its too hot for your gear, its too hot to ride.

Do ALL of your physical therapy SnoPro and let us know what bike you go with next.
Hot or not we gear up and sweat a little till the trade winds wistle through the body armor and helmets.Thank God you are here to ride again...
Yeah, Every minute that goes by, it makes me feel even more lucky. I walked out of my Orthapedic surgeons office right after he told me I needed to have surgery to fix it, and that I would be out of work for 2 months, and you know what I thought?? I smelled the smell of fall in the air, and was lucky to be smelling it. It's huge for me, cuz I usually shrug stuff off like that.

I paid as much I could afford for the safety gear, and got great gear, which saved my life. Arai Corsair helmet, Speed and Strength leather jacket, Sidi boots.. My friends thought I was nuts for paying $750 for a helmet and for wearing motorcycle boots. Now they think I am smart for having worn them!! The guy that was driving the truck was really decent, and admitted complete fault to the police and to the insurance. It just makes things go smoother. I am sure that everything will work out well in the end. I am off to have my surgery on Thursday, and then its all going up from there. My work is awesome, my Sgt, Captain and my Chief have all called me to see if there is anything that they can do to make things better. I feel bad because my co-workers will now not really be able to get time off until I get back. They are jokingly teasing me telling me that I am on vacation while they pull my weight, what a great group of guys!!

I am not sitting here telling everyone else that they need to wear the gear or not. I think that it's silly not to, but we all are responsible for our own actions and choices. What I would say though, is that if you do choose to wear the gear, do it right. Buy the best gear you can afford. Your bikes cost $10,000, Why spend $100 on a helmet to protect you? I probably would have nopt sustained any more serious head injuries with a lesser quality helmet, but with a cheap jacket, my shoulder would be destroyed. The leather is nearly worn through, and the padding and armor in the shoulder certainly saved me from more serious injury. My boot was nearly worn through. Sneakers would have been burned through, and I would definately have injuries there. It's what happened for me, and maybe someone will decide to buy the slightly more expensive helmet, gloves, boots or jacket because of this, which is what I am hoping.

Thanks a lot for the encouragement and thoughts, I appreciate knowing that fellow Buellers are looking out for me!!
quote:{I learned that the truck involved was a full sized dumptruck loaded with cement and rock. The Firebolt took the front wheel out of the truck, so the truck fell on the bike,}

OMG buell makes some stout bikes. too bad frames is smashed, part her out. we'll all hopfully learn from these incidents and be prepared for the time we go down. hope your recovery is smooth and u can get back on a bike soon. be careful out there.
and I thought my little drop the other day was rough man I'm glad your ok. Good thing is that with Buells as cheap as they are atm unfortunately you can get a new one with the ins payoff
Glad to hear that you are OK. I almost rethink riding everytime I see a bike related accident here, but then I cant function on a daily basis with out wanting to ride, so I dont think I could give up bikes.
Hey Snopro44,

I feel dumb like an ass for asking but if you do decide to sell the cowl ill be willing to buy it. My bike was wrecked too, and with only liability im trying to slowly fix mine.
the plastic is pretty much toast because the dump truck collapsed on it. I don't think I will buy it back cuz I can only use one arm, so stripping parts off would be pretty hard. Don't feel bad about asking abt the parts, its a legit question!!!
Gotcha no worries! Yeah it looked like the back seat cowl was ok but i really couldn't tell from the pictures so ill take your word for it.

Dang hopefully it's not your right arm ;):D hahah Keep popping the pain pills and good luck with the surgery buddy.

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