Half power on throttle - Chokes on take off

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2009
Cooter got me SO far. We got the bike running again! I removed the harley fix-break-make-worse harness, put in a factory VR, and a new battery.

Now, I can get it running but it is half power. Symptoms:

Slow steady throttle to 3/4 it sounds like i'm going fast, but i'm 600 speeds.
Abrupt throttle to 3/4 and it chokes but doesn't die if moving
At a stop - take off it is VERY slow to get the bike moving, and if I go too fast on the throttle at all it dies.
It takes 1/4 - 1/2 throttle to start the bike unless completely warmed up / been riding it.
Sprayed carb cleaner around the throttle bodies when running to see if it killed it, but it did not so those are ruled out.

CHEERS and thank you gentleman! And MASSIVE thank you again to Cooter for his selfless time and help. Character is hard to find in this day and age.
Just curious, cause I vaguely remember your first thread, what did you have to do to get this far?
Did you ever clean or replace the IAC valve? That seems to be a common theme on 1125 and 08 to 2010 XBs.
Or does the 1125 not have such witchcraft involved in the throttle bodies?
Also, have you adjusted your throttle cables at all?
I might not be of much help. I'm versed in the XB series and even in that world I'm no expert.
But at least now your thread will be at the top of the what's new section!
I meant to post this is in the Lightening section! ( I'd post in the 1125 sections, but they are dead...)
I just watch the 'new posts' section. That way I can try to answer Blast questions too:upset: Haha

Don't forget the bike has sat for about a year, right? You checked for leaky throttle body gaskets, did a TPS re-set, replaced the bad gas.

Lets check a few other things...

Check the fuel pressure. Since it runs worse when it's cold (and needs more fuel). Maybe it's a weak or clogged fuel pump? Clogged injectors? all that bad gas went through them. You'll need a FI 100psi pressure gauge (about $40).

Try the tap,tap ECM test. While it's running, tap on the ECM housing and see if it stutters of stalls.

Pull a spark plug. Is it super black and wet? dry and tan?

Could be a bad o2 sensor, It might be easier to just replace it than test it.

Can you borrow someones ECM and swap it out?

Bummer you're having issues with it. I've had a few 1125's and they've all been rock solid! And thanks for the kind words:angel:
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Cooter: Again to the rescue. Anytime you need someone with creative skills, you know i'm there.

Just did a scan and it says the front 02 sensor isn't working. THIS COULD BE BAD right? lol. I'm headed now to investigate, and will do all other suggestions if that doesn't work. Now to find a 02 sensor close by.
I pulled the throttle body off
Cleaned out the IAC
Bought a new O2 sensor
tested the 02 sensor wire for power (was at 4.7v)

Bike idles perfectly now! BUT: still low power. It's smoother power, but feels the same about of power for sure.
AND the FR02 error came up again, saying the 02 is inactive.

AND this: I felt the exhaust and noticed the front pipes are hot but not searing hot like they should be, and the rear pipes are searing hot like they should be.

Thoughts? AND THANKY YOU! It's so close...
Sweet! Getting closer...

Did you clear the FRo2 code after swapping the sensor? Then it came back?

Have you pulled the front spark plug? It could have gotten fouled and not firing consistently. That would make the front o2 super, super, rich and possibly throw another code.

The cool front pipe tells me the front isn't firing all the time.
BOOOOOM! She's alive! 2nd coil was bad... After all that. Somehow over the winter the low voltage in some way ruined both coils when trying to start the bike...

SO I swapped it out with a new coil, and WOW she's back. Finally. Thank you Cooter and all who have supported me on this jou8ney, I guess she's not so bad after all, just needed a few tiny things.
Wow CJ. I'm surprised that was it, but also very happy she's alive! (the bitch... haha). Now you get to ride that badass machine and enjoy some summer fun!

Post pics, it's a good looking ride:cool:

You got it. Wrapping up the bits needed to make it complete :)