Handle bars turn to far!!!!

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Jun 12, 2013
I'm a soldier and I have a 06 xb12r. When I was at work the other day some a** hole turned to sharp and ran over my bike than drove off. Mostly cosmetic damage and I have fixed it all. On the ride home I noticed my clip on is bent so what did I do I ordered another one and replaced it to. It seems my handle bars or forks are still crooked. I can't tell which. It's minimal but I can still tell. Not only is something crooked but when I turn all the way left my throttle touches the wind screen. Turning them to the right is normal. They stop right before the air box. My question is why is it turning so much left, and what else could be crooked that I'm seeing?
Turn your handle bars straight, and see if your tire is pointing straight. If it is crooked you have to lift the front end off the ground loosen the pinch bolts on the upper and lower triple trees and straighten it.
I just went and looked with my handle bars straight my tire is about an inch off. So that is one problem. A steering stop? Never had to replace one of those. On a scale of 1-10, how difficult is something like that to replace?
My guess is your steering is just tweeked and your steering stop is fine. The steering stops are two raised bumps on your lower triple look at your lower triple under the neck of the frame and you will see them.
I see them. Thank you. How do I put my steering back to normal than? I'm a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like this. It will drive me crazy if it ain't back to normal.

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