Handling woes...

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Sep 17, 2016
2007 XB12R with 10k miles. Handling is funky. It is not comfortable cornering. It is not locked in. Seems to want to stand up in corners. Small irregularities in the road really upset it during turns. Going around a turn from a stop at lower speeds one handed and trying to flip down my visor the bike starts to oscillate and I have to grab the bar with my other hand. Tires are not worn much but are older (mechanic believes 2011) Pirelli. I adjusted the suspension to my weight according to the manual.

Anything special I should look at? Head bearings? Swingarm? Wheel bearings? Tires?

Thanks for any help or advice.
Well I was start with the tires, if there that old it's not worth the risk anyways. As far as the cornering goes if the bike feels heavy it could be a tire pressure issue? I'm sure others will guide you... Good luck and ride safe... With new rubber.
First off 86 those Pirelli's......2011. You're asking for trouble right there from jump street! Buells will want to stand up in corners if you grab some front brakes, you will figure out how to deal with it. Short wheelbase handles amazing but BE COMMITTED! Short wheelbase bikes do not take to kindly to mid corner corrections! Take it easy and take baby steps, these machines are different animals than the proverbial I4 jap bike, don't chop at the throttle on these things, roll into everything on the throttle, hold your line and carry good corner speed and you will be fine. You will fall in love with it sooner or later....lol
Thanks Rich....hopefully this won't turn into a tire war thread. I run Q3's and totally agree w Dave. I also have a personal vendetta against Pirelli. There are a boatload of good skins out there. Q3's, PP3's, some of the BATTLAX line for sure. I wouldn't even ride that machine w 6yr old hides on it, plywood would probably grip better. Shinko honestly makes a hell of a good tire on the cheap. I truly believe your problems lie within your tire situation right now though. Get some new skins and report back.
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I agree with the tires, even though I am running the originals (2009) while I break mine in. New tires on my S3T corrected exactly what you are experiencing (the S3T had the original tires on it as well when I bought it).
Assuming your tyres and suspension are all good. Firebolts are set up to radically in the front end, if you drop your forks through the clamps it will slow the steering and gives a lot more stability mid corner.
These bikes come with ball roller steering head bearings which flog out fairly quickly. Install a set of tapered needle bearings and that should stop the oscillations.
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I agree with buellord. Install a set of tapered needle bearings and that should stop the oscillations
If the tires are in good condition and inflated properly the new set of tires won't fix the issue. Put the motorcycle on the jack under the muffler and measure steering head resistance force. Make sure the throttle cables, the clutch cables and the wiring harness are not binding anything and do no interfere with another parts when you are turning the steering head. Follow STEERING HEAD BEARING INSPECTION in the service manual. You have to perform steering head bearings check every 5000 miles.

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Thanks a lot for the help and advice. I had dropped it off at the dealership for winter storage and a 10K service before starting this thread. Yesterday I got a chance to check out the tires a bit more when I dropped another of my bikes off for winter storage. The tires are Pirelli Diablo Rosso 2 with date codes 4811 F and 4511 R. I was pretty surprised to find how flat they were in the center. Looking at the tires is pretty deceptive, there is tons of tread left but when running your hand across the tires you can feel a pretty large flat section. It is almost like this bike was only ridden straight for thousands of miles. You can tell that the previous owner didn't corner much or very aggressively. I am pretty sure what I was experiencing is caused from transitioning from the flat to the curved portion of the tire. This is likely complicated by how hard the tires are. I will get a set of tires on the bike for spring and will hopefully enjoy the bike a lot more.

Any advice on a steering damper that fits and works well? I plan on getting to a track day or two and want to get it ready.
Unfortunately, 5Odro closed up shop. Really a shame. You can get a GPR direct from the company....
sounds like u need to set up the suspensen.they usually turn in real good.set front forks to 4 th mark0n forks threw steering head and make changes before each ride document down on paper how many turns each ride, rear suspension screw,down top locking ring to half way .every ones different so have a play it can be heaps of fun.tyres and suspension critical to handling.the big allen key in middle of steering head u can tighten it down .you need to suspend front end off ground when doing i tor you can fit a steering dampner .