Harley Really F--- Us

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I don't think of any of the negative.
Its not good to dwell on downer stuff anyway.
I'll deal with parts and service if/when I have to.
As is - I love my XB!
dont get me started, i bought my 09 scg brand new about 3-4 months before the liquidation. i still owe prob around 9k since most of the payment goes to interest.i love the bike, but needless today i was furious and still am. when i went in to talk to my sales guy he was helping someone with the sale of 2 xbs for less than what i paid for mine. no compensation, no considerations, not even a ****** t-shirt or something. not that i expected anything from the biggest thieves on the planet, HD.
Yep, these people at HD, depends on the location. Some just don't get it . I'll keep my Xb for now . Been buying wear item parts a little at a time.The Elect Sport Bikes in the next 6 years will dominate the dealerships. Made in America been wanting to ride the Mission Style Bike. Will Harley Survive? We'll see! [smirk]
I'm not too worry about internal engine parts, I think you're pretty much cover and there's plenty aftermarket for that. I'm more concern with the small specialty to the brand stuff that's dissapearing rather quick and they're not replenishing the stock. Body parts will be impossible to purchase very soon as well as rims, time will tell, I'll be riding mine with until it can't go not more.....
mines paid for, so i just hope it keeps running as good as it does. there are plenty off parts out there, we should probably stock up on some of it tho
The Funny thing is the local Ducati Dealer will give me more then my Hd dealer will for my bike. HD will give me less the they would if it was a 883. But I keep my Buell do some more things to it,
for what it's worth, i've been a kawi dealer since 1969 and have collected cars and bikes since that time. everything is cyclical whether it's the economy in general, value of old cars and bikes, buell values. a few things i can assure you of would be that H-D is required under the federal fair trade act to make buell parts available for 10 years successive of any model year. #2 would be that the mfg. does NOT own the dealerships...they are independent franchises and therefore can choose to stock or not stock buell parts. and lastly, buell prices have dipped a bit recently but will recover in a few years. eventually demand will out-strip the supply of good stock clean bikes. values will inevitably recover but the moral to the story is...if you like your buell, enjoy riding and maintaining and polishing it, and plan on keeping it for longer than this year, does present book price really matter all that much? just my humble opinion.
I would like to keep mine for ever, All the stock parts I have saved , So if the value does go sky high , who know maybe I sell it. While we talking I am thinking about putting some carbon parts on , are they reallt worth the price?????
I am thinking about putting some carbon parts on , are they reallt worth the price?????
Nope! You'll never recover the cost. The question I have is why do you want carbon fiber? Looks or a performance up grade? IE weight savings? If it's the later the difference is so moot it's not worth the cost.
i wouldn't waste money on the carbon fiber parts. unless you like the looks. because the weight that your savings is about the same amount as the breakfast burrito you eat before you go on your sunday ride [smirk]
i personally like it on the motor:) but the whole bike is a little over kill for me (looks to much like a biker boys, fast and furious. i have more money then sense)
I look at what my Buell is worth, and I get so pissed. I own half of what the bike cost new , I put down haft . But harley knock $5,000 of the 2010 to unload them ,making mine worth next to nothing.

I bought mine last year for full retail and still owe $9800 on it. I don't care about bluebook. It still gives me a grin everytime I get on it and I still get props for having a unique ride. Besides, all vehicles get discontinued eventually.
I paid 11k for mine otd and it was a demo. Prices going down just made me wish I had the $ to buy an 1125r. HD didn't stock many parts before, but neither does Dodge for my truck or mazda for the wifes ride. I've never had an issue getting parts I just call ASB and he sends them.
Don't worry about spare parts. They haven't made BSAs and Nortons for years, but you can still find parts for them.
Good post by the Kawa dealer. Finding a good dealer or mechanic to rely on is as important as anything. For all the Central Texas guys The HD dealer in Round Rock has been really good to me.

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