Has anyone used this?

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I have, in black, and its holding up great. I used it on my rear fender after shaving it down, as well as my tail chop. just prep it well, and do a few coats. I did 6 coats on mine, each very light, and let it dry the listed time on the can.
i used the fusion to paint the gray part of the chin fairing. it is holding up great. i also put a clear over it. my experience is with black not hammered finish.
use bulldog adhesion promoter availible at auto paint supply in spray bomb. then use watever u want,rustoleum works well,any quality brand will do
the fusion works GREAT. i have done a few parts and the hub caps on my scion XB and 3 years later still looks close to new and it has taken a beating. this stuff works great on plastic not sure on metal though.