Have voltage but fuel pump doesn't run?

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I would up load a pic but i can't! the remote reservoir for the shock rubbed a hole in the harness to the ECU. a solid green wire is worn through a good bit and a brown wire with a green stripe looks pretty bad as well. They both could probably carry current, but I'm guessing a short was caused between them which could spell trouble for my ECU.:( I need to look up on the wiring diagram what these do and repair them. Anyone know what those two wires do?
what year is your bike? my '03 service manual does not have a solid green or brown with green strip.
use a splice terminal like this for the repair, heat shrink and seals at both ends

or make hooks at both ends of the wire and solder them together, don't forget to put heat shrink on prior to joining the wires. get some insulation tape and wrap the reservoir hose and harness to prevent it from happening again, or you could use some RTV, dab between the harness, reservoir and hose creating a standoff between them
I think the green may actually be considered yellow by the manual, green doesn't appear in the wiring diagram.
Honestly, when I get on the forums and read other peoples issues, it makes my mind race. Even when I have my own issues, I almost get excited. I love to fix things. Just look at it as learning even more about your bike! Everything will work out in the end!
The bike is an 05, manufactured on July 4, (thus my online name). The brown wire has a greenish yellow stripe that is probably considered yellow by the wiring diagram and that makes it the fuel pump wire from the ECU. It also has continuity to the fuel pump harness on the pump assy. So I'm sure this is at least part, (if not all), of my problem. The heavier green wire is worn about 1/2 way through. I do not see a solid green wire, or any wire other than black or grey that is a solid color with no stripe. Green is usually ground which would not be a good short with the brown/yellow fuel pump hot wire.
So I will put a splicing terminal on each, cover with shrink wrap and tape the whole mess up with black tape, then pray to the ECU gods that I didn't short that out. I do like the combination connector/shrink wrap piece in your picture. Where do you get those?

And yes, mrlogix, I'm definitely building some character with this slow motion trouble shoot, hope I remember how to ride by the time this is done![smirk]
[up][up] we live in such a throw away world needing instant gratification. Less and less people are working on their own stuff anymore. To me it's all part of the experience. Keep up the good work. :D
If I could only post a picture You would be happy to see what I did with an old basket cast of a '79 KZ 1000. Everything! soldered the wiring harness in many places, dissasembled the handlebar switches, starter motor etc etc. I was hoping to just ride this one.:( I agree about the throw away everything.
the broken wires are mended now and the pump doesn't run. My conclusion from the evidence of the two ECM wires shorting out on the shock reservoir, and the fact that it died like the switch was turned off, I probably fried the Control module, ECU or whatever you want to call it. Anyone have a module for an 05 XB9?
I'm with lunatic. I think it should be throwing a CEL.
Before you start throwing parts at your bike can you humor me and do two things that you have not referenced in this post?
1) take apart the kill switch housing and check that all those wires connects are good to go.
2) Check the wiring at the key tumbler/switch. A worn wire there could be the reason you're not getting power from the bike to the pump.
Just a couple thoughts/suggestions.
Excellent suggestions, I've been on wife entertainment duty the last two days, (not the fun kind) so I hope to get back to it after work today. I'll let you know what I find.
I will say that something is screwy with my key switch because the pin for the steering lock does not move far enough to engage anything.??
Could it be my lean angle sensor is malfunctioning? Where does that thing live? I want to pay it a visit.
On a bolt the BAS is located under the front fairing above the headlights. On a lightening it is under the seat. Has two bolts at the bottom of it and an arrow with the words up visible.
This may or may not be helpful for your issues but read through this thread
A lot of great electrical trouble shooting done right in this one.
Good luck!
Yes, i'm reading through that thread now. I Put the multi meter in line with the fuel pump and turned the key thinking that I might see a drastic voltage drop, but nothing. Had a steady 11.59V but the pump didn't budge. Hooked it directly to the battery and it runs.[mad] Really don't get this. I ran throught the code 33 test in the manual And everything checks out. I can't do the very first test since I don't have the breakout box.
I seem to have less than one volt at the various sensors., but I cannot find the damn speed sensor, does my 2005 even have one? Where is it?
Found the speed sensor, unplugging that yielded 2.7 V. So not the 5 V it should have. I think all the sensors are unplugged now and I have only 2.7V. I also think this may not have anything to do with the fuel pump not running. But I'm valuing my opinion less and less.