HD Forum?

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Thanks MotoPhreke.

I just with there wasnt so much division and hate between different styles and brands.
There are some HD forums, not many worth a click.
But there is xlforum.net, they even have a buell sectioin.
Been a member there for yrs.

My favorite saying about my sporty is, I never wanted a HD but I always wanted a sportster.
Licks Cycles has that on a T.

One good thing about having a HD, aftermarket, anything you want its out there.
Yeah, most of the forums that are out there for HD are pretty weak. I will just stick to Buell XB :)
1. No helmet, No Wave. - If you dont respect your own life enough to at LEAST wear a lid, i refuse to repect you. If you have a helmet on, no matter whats between your legs, i will wave respectfully.

2. Scooter, No Wave. - Nough said.

Helmets For Harry!
I ran into some die hard harley guys at a friend's BBQ, and had to start with them. The guy was being an ass and tripping, shoving, stuffing a little kid who was trying to learn to play basketball, so I figured it was worth a go.

A few gems from it.
Newer girl: Oh, I ride a Rebel 250
HD Guy: Oh, why would you ride that Jap crap?
Me: Maybe she wants to get where she's going instead of sitting in an oil slick

HD Girl: I always look at all bikers. But HD riders get a double take Any guy on a HD is instantly HOT. Doesn't matter how old or ugly, I want to ride HIM.

Me: I'd like to eventually have a dual sport, a 250 to learn more, a sport bike, and a cruiser to try out. I can't touch a sport bike yet though, I only fit on 1000's and they're a death trap.
HD Girl: No. Harley's are 1200, and they fast, but you can control them.
Me: That's not a liter bike, that's a harley. They're not the same thing.
HD Girl: Yeah, the Harley has a BIGGER engine.
Me: Not quite...you have 1/3 the power and twice the weight.

HD Guy: You want to take his for a ride, check out the cruiser style?
Me: I do, but I had a drink. I won't risk it, let alone someone else' bike
HD Guy: Yeah, Nobody touches mine. It was $46k, the chrome alone cost $5000. I told them to chrome everything!

Once I got them to drop the front, they weren't so bad though. A bit uneducated, but alright. They were just "buy american" people, and liked the looks. I'll respect that. I told them I'd buy american too, they just don't make anything for me yet.
those tards are exactly the kind of people i was refering to. i will bet you a twenty dollar bill none of them could change their own oil; especially the "my bike cost 46K" guy. **** them. i am SOOO sick of people like that.
Yeah I really hate when one set of people hate other people for what they ride! It's just ridiculous! I bet they just talk **** bout them constantly about how they think there better!!! HAHAHAHA Guys come on seriously were all on two wheel's I don't care if there wearing a helmet, riding a Jap Bike, Scooter, Uni Cycle it's there life and choice!! Enjoy the people who make you happy!!!! If they don't then don't go near them!!! Guess what before I came here I didn't know how to change my oil either!! And this is my 6th bike!!
I agree. It gets annoying when you interact with people who worship their HD or only believe in a sport bike style. Everyone has different preferences and uses the bikes for different things. Its easier just to laugh off someone who disrespects your bike or doesnt wave than it is to get all pissed and start hating EVERYONE who rides that style or brand just because one or a few people didnt meet your standards.

But yes, they are annoying. and it gets old. But its not worth being a hater over.
dont make the mistake of thinking i am a hater, i just have no use for folks who act like that. like you said, laughing it off or just flat out avoiding those kinds is the best way to deal with it.
Sorry, I didn't mean to make it seem like I was calling you a hater at all. That came off the wrong way. I just was just referring to in general that sometimes being the case.

But yes, laughing it off and trying to avoid those conversations is usually the best medicine.
no worries....i dont get really excited over stuff anyway. i just wanted to be clear about where it is that i stand.

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