Heads up on new axle sliders

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Well-known member
May 16, 2009
Just a heads up on a product line I'll Be releasing. So far I have three different style axle sliders that I will be putting into production once my new lathe arrives, shooting for a late april early may release date. Two of the designs are comprised of a solid steel center shaft with machined aluminum ends, and a later model is a solid steel center shaft with delrin plastic ends. All models will feature double thread locking ends, and I am looking into anodizing for the aluminum models. The release price I am looking into staying with should be between $60-$80 usd per set (front and rear), shipped anywhere in the continental united states.

Once all three models are past prototype phase I will post pics and more information as to where to by them. Aswell as, look forward to my line release give away that will include giving away 2 sets of each product to users from this forum.

later products will branch out to frame and engine sliders and other products as I gain the capability to easily produce them.

sorry no pics or farther information now, but wanted to give you all a heads up, and see who all would be interested. Thanks for you're time, any questions just get at me on the forum and look for products coming soon from "S13 Designs"
Im interested in seeing your final product. I plan on buying a set before the riding season starts (ohio). Ill wait to see what you come up with.
A set will include front and rear, so basically looking at trying to sell them for half the price of other manufacturers. where you at in ohio sam? I'm in south east ohio, hoping to have these released before the season aswell. forgot to mention that once I'm up and running I will be taking custom orders to fit your style and stands.
Great! I've been looking for anodized frame sliders for a Buell with airscoops on both sides without hacking up the scoops.
Northwest about 30 min west of Toledo. [up] on the custom orders a half pricing. If they turn out like your explaining then you might be on to something here.
Any diagrams to potential look? Straight rod with hollow center, rounded ends...?

Mine which many seem to like.


xtremelow, awsome sliders. Thats exactly what I was going to try to build. I wish somebody would make something like that for a reasonable price. I cant see paying 80+ for axle sliders. Interested to see what your sliders will look like khan
Yeah I'm not a fan of how most charge between $50-$80 per axle for a set of slides, and how the frame sliders don't fit around a Right side scoop (looking to solve this problem with a future product), but I feel for my time, cost and design that somewhere close to $80 for both axles is a deal (hoping to be able to go lower, but the materials and time are the deciding factor on that). But kind of like what extreme has there, only difference is the end of the what looks like all thread that he used would be drilled and tapped for a locking bolt for extra back up on anything coming loose, and the ends pieces (the actual slider) will be a bit more pleasing to the eye with a machined aluminum piece and have grooves cut to allow for stands to slide into for a stable lifting point. once I get some of my sketches %100 and loaded onto the comp I'll post the pics. until then, thanks for you're interest, and keep it coming, the more interest I get in the product line the more motivated I'll be to getting these to the market for everyone to enjoy.
Sounds good... I wanted the clean look so I just went for a tapped inside and use the threaded rod.

I would like to have some type of rounded end but hey I am not going to complain since I got the sliders for free and the rod cost me $4.

The machined lip for a rear stand is a must IMO from a design aspect, it allows or a wider buying group whether you intend to use them or not.

Updates for sure[up]
Gotta love new parts, eh? Looking forward to seeing whatcha got!

Sorry guys no updates yet' been a hectic weekend and week, try to atleast get some sketches up for you this weekend, but ordering my new lathe in a week or so, then will be ordering my tooling and stock shortly after, all comming outa pocket right now and money kinda tight so we'll see how this goes, dont worry to anyone interested I'm 100% commited to makeing these and other parts and they will be comming soon!
Not sure if I missed it somewhere above, but could you please make the real axle sliders with spools for a lift.
they will have grooves for lifts, you missed it up there, the pics are of extreme's home made sliders, not of the product I'll be making. hopefully I'll have pics of the sketches up today to give you all an idea of what I'll be producing.
as soon as u get them together ill take a front and rear set off u. I almost did the homemade ones but there is something about skateboard wheels on my Buell I find degrading...
ok, got one design drawn up for you all, see bout getting to the others sometime today. Keeping my measurements and exact specs to myself for now, they'll be posted once final products are ready to ship.

and thanks for the interest thaloc, will be a few months still before they're ready, but moving as quick as the money allows me.
Nice! I love the write up! Also that is the ****! I know its not noticable but I hate how my pitbull stand scratches up the bottom of my swingarm. And im in no rush, I have no plan on setting her down =P! Id rather wait for quality at a good price then pay out the ass for something of less quality.
ok here is design 2 and 3, number three was a request from a friend for that style, will only be produced on a made to order basis as more of a custom piece, but still available, once I'm up and running and have merchandise in stock mods to the parts can be ordered along with complete custom pieces if I am able to make it.