Hi there LeFox, yes I got an XB9R Firebolt,had her for a couple of years.She is due to be street-fightered over this comming winter,am machining up a new top yoke & risers so I can fit her with a set of Renthal crosser bars.
Hi Limey, and welcome to the gang. Lucky you living in the U.K. when it comes to Buells. You guys have the best aftermarket in Europe. I have to say I'm a little envious.
Hi all, a man calls a bike or any machine she because......machines always want to look their best and they are also fickle! Yes I am a member of ukbeg.We may have the best aftermarket parts but you guys have the better weather!!
LeFox,for me,I call my bike a she becouse it is a love affair.No other materialistic possession commands more of my attention or gets as much money spent on her.My wife looks at the Buell as my 2nd wife.