Help burning EEPROM

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2014
Guya good evening.
Having been experiencing a terrible issue with my Uly 2008 while trying to tune its maps.
Two days ago I uped a new eeprom with a race map which I started datalogging to tune it. However, I am unable to apply any change to the ECM anymore. I save a new .bin on tunerpro and upload it. Tunerpro says it succeedded uping but when I fetch eeprom back to the PC to verify, I realize nothing changed. I am stuck with a setup that doesnt fit my bike accordingly but cannot make any change to it.
Got a BUE1D firmware and am sure I didnt upload any wrong eeprom. All changes I've made were on the stock's eeprom fuel maps.
I use a USB cable to communicate with the ECM, could the cable be malfunctioning?! Again, I dont get one single error when connecting to the ecm or when fetching or uploading data.
Thanks for any help!
I´ll be posting here the development of this matter in case someone has the same problem I had. I think it´s important to leave documented as other people may come thru this.

I took the bike to one of the Harley dealerships in Sao Paulo and asked them to reflash its ECM back to stock. The process of reflashing appeared to have completed accordingly but when I got back home connected it to TunerPro, fetched EEPROM and realized the old map was still there. Summing up, dealership reflash was unable to change values that were already in the ECM! (This scared me, when I saw dealership couldn´t manage it I realized I´d need a new ECM).

At that time (last week) I was waiting for a bluetooth dongle to arrive by mail. And it did, 2 days ago. Thought "will give it a try, why not?". So connected the bike to ECMDroid and loaded the stock EEPROM on it and burned it to the ECM. Cycled ignition off and back on and fetch. Voila, stock EEPROM recorded in th ECM! Didn´t believe at first so went for a second test LOL. Changed max AFV to 145 just to ensure it was accepting different values. Burned. Fetched. Max AFV was correctly set to 145! :up:

So, for those who experience the issue of not being able to make changes to the ECM via cable and a notebook, go for the bluetooth + ECM Droid alternative. Do not ask me what is the logic behind this because for me it´s illogical. Completely.

I have ordered a second hand ECM from the United States that should arrive to me in the next couple of weeks. I will then make tests again and check if the "new" ECM will be able to receive data via cable.

Will keep you posted on this.

AZ, that could be the case if I was the only one unable to apply changes to the ECM via cable.
However, as I mentioned above, I took the bike to the dealership for a re-flash and even them were unable to change the values on the maps.
Too good to be true. It worked as I said, I was able to upload a whole new EEPROM via bluetooth. But today tried locking AFV values to 100% for tuning purposes but was unable. Even via BT it didn't work.
So maybe it was a big coincidence that it worked the first time I plugged the BT dongle.
Waiting for the new ECM to arrive, will keep you posted.
Lou thanks for the input.

First - ecm is not cracked, checked it.
Second - purchased another ECM that shows the same problem, cant write data into this one either.
Third - checked voltage on Tx and Rx pins on the diagnostic port and both show 5v, so I assume the wires and correctly connected on the ecm harness connector.

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