HELP! OK, I am trying to slip my forks to lower the front the recommended 3/4" (to go with installing a Scg "low" shock) but the forks won't go! What am I doing wrong? Here is what I've got. Apparently the top fork lock clips have not been on since I got the bike, I fully loosened the clamp screw on both of the upper fork clamps and fully loosened both of the clamp screws on both of the lower fork clamps. I can take a flat head screwdriver, insert it in the slot of each fork clamp and flex it to wedge them further apart. The forks did slip about a tenth of an inch but then no further. I even took ratchet tie down straps and wrapped them from the front wheel and the top triple tree and tightened them up and all that did was bottom out the compression of the forks and that's all - it didn't move the forks any further up into the triple trees. I have slipped the forks on other motorcycles in the past without a problem. Do I need to remove the front wheel and move each fork independently? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!