Help with small oil leak

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Well-known member
May 10, 2010
I need help trying to fix a small oil leak. It seems to be minimal but its coming out of clutch cable I believe by the shifter. It rolls down the cable and builds up where it meets chin faring area. Looks like there is a bad seal around nut? Anyone have this issue>? Is there a way to check oil level in primary?

There is a o ring on that cable. You need to replace it. Check the level by opening the clutch inspection cover.
Thanks Dave! Anything I should know. Or is it pretty cut and dry? Clutch inspection cover is the larger one correct? IS the O-ring on inside of primary cover or outside. Your help is greatly appreciated Dave_XB12r:)
The O-ring is on the cable. and you have to be very careful not to strip the threads on the primary housing, just tight enough to seat the o-ring in the housing. and Yes the Clutch cover is the larger one. You will have to remove it to replace the o-ring anyway.
Hope That Helps,
Sorry SMDUB1, sometimes my replies aren't very descriptive. At the top of the page, there is link to the service manual. It's very handy, and it's free! You'll have to disconnect the cable from the lever and take off the restraints in front of the motor in order to unscrew the cable from the primary.
No No you have been great dave_xb12r! I am fairly good at understanding manuals so you last scary sounding post should be easy enough. The only thing that scares me is the restraints. But I would assume its a lot easier than is sounds. I will give it a shot tonight! :D
Ok guys.. so the weird thing is the oring seems to be fine (keyword seems ) . And it looks like the oil is coming from between plastic cable and the cable fitting.
If this means the cable is bad I don't want to put it all together and the daamn thing still leak.. Am I crazy or is this possible? It is under warranty after all but I just don't want those guys touching my bike if at all possible. I have had bad luck with warranty repairs elsewhere. Thanks again for any info you may have.
That is very possible. Get a new cable, If it continues, you'll have an extra cable. They're handy to have around. It will break someday and you'll have to wait 2 weeks for a lame dealership to get one in. I'd bet it fixes the problem though. If you really want it fixed without shelling out the funds for a new cable, try some high temp gasket seal
Is it normal to have a little bit of oil underneath the boot in the middle of the clutch cable? Its the one thats mid ways up behind the front tire. Underneath it looks like a junction of two cables or something.
I will just get a new cable as well. Good lookin out Dave. I was about to throw this together but rather do it once. I'll search around for the closest one and pick it up. Or maybe the dealership will give me one for free.. doubt it but i'll try. Thanks again Dave
No idea dallasb but it sounds like it may be from something else. Oil doesn't travel up the cable as far as I know. Should be there.

Look what is on ASB on the clutch cable-
Note: The Ferrule that screws into the primary case on these cables have proven to be very fragile. Buell has been notified of the breakage issues but we're still seeing the problem. Treat the ferrule into the primary case as if it was made of glass and DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN the ferrule. You WILL twist it in half if you do and we can not get a warranty replacement. You will need to buy another if this happens. It takes almost no force to break it. You would be wise to purchase a new O-ring (17313), and thread the cable in axially so that the ferrule experiences no reverse bending while it threads in, and stop turning once the ferrule bottoms on the O-ring.
Been There Done That, I thought it was loose tightened it and it came apart. as for oil in the adjustment boot, a little bit won't hurt, Be more afraid if water is in there cuz that can travel down and get into the primary. I spray as much of the cable with the white lithium grease to keep it lubed and water free.
smdub1 had this problem too. The oil was coming where the cable meets the metal sleeve right before it enters the primary. Mine was not leaking out of the seal. I used some Black RTV that was oil and heat resistant. It took me two times to get it to stop but now it hasn't leaked in weeks. Good luck.
This is what it looks like. Real easy and works great.
Oh sweet!! that will get me through the wait time until HD get the part in.. In 7-10 days.. I pulled it all apart to swap the oring but that ended up being fine. Live and learn.. Thanks for the info- RTV at any auto parts store I would assume. ?
i had to replace my clutch cable for that reason. the new cable pulls much nicer anyway.

willy-maybe you could at least put some heatshrink tubing over the rtv so it didnt look like garbage.