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Um, can anyone tell me why the is NO cable connecting my TPS to ANYTHING? It's an 09, BTW.

Just so you know, the picture you posted is not the TPS, it's the exhaust valve thing. Since you swapped to an aftermarket exhaust (or PO did maybe) the cable to the stock exhaust valve is removed.

There is no cable to the TPS on the TB, just a harness plug. There then is two throttle cables to the TB.

To the OP, I doubt your idling up and down is any issue other than intake seals leaking. My bike has the same issue but not so bad, it's much worse when its hot(seals expand with heat, then leak...)
I would start where Stevenc150 suggested. If you don't find anything glaring and or it doesn't fix the issue my checklist would look something like this:

Get a Hi Flow Air Filter
Get a Cable
Keep the Jardine
Download ECMSpy
Download a Race Map

Install the Air Filter
Watch the Video on How to Flash the ECM with the Race Map at least 20 time. :)
Flash the ECM with the Race Map
Follow the TPS Reset Procedure (With 1 exception, lower the idle a touch from what the video states or you'll leave the idle a tad too high and it will still surge on you, I had that happen to me)

And, enjoy the hell out of it..

You don't NEED the EBR ECM or to get rid of the Jardine.. The bike just needs a little TLC from the sounds of it..

If you have a little mechanical ability and some computer knowledge you should be able to work it out without spending gobs of cash..
I've seen patently of bikes running Jardine cans with no tuning done and they sent having your probs. I think you need to rest the tps via ECM spy and check for intake leaks..... Possibly even a exhaust leak pre o2 sensor. The servo your worried about is unhooked due to you having a aftermarket exhaust. If you get a cable and tune it yourself you can disable the servo and remove it completely because it's hooked to a stock exhaust can not your TPS sensor. When's the last time the bike had a good once over checkup? I'm assuming you didn't buy it running like this...... I hope.
+1 on freak. I had intake seal leaks, and mine was doing exactly what you describe. Fix that, then worry about tuning/new ECM because without that, your maps will be horribly wrong!
well i'm about there, the 1/2 bolts on the intake are a bear! im thinking i'll have to get a speed wrench to get them off!!! so far pretty straight forward...
Once you replace the seals, I would see if the wrinkles in your idle iron out. Any gaps in the seals could be responsible for the an irregular mixture and erratic idle. (More air getting in despite the bike thinking the valve in the throttle body was closed enough to get a steady low idle.)

-If that doesn't solve the problem, I would try a reset. It shouldn't be mandatory though unless someone tweaked it incorrectly before. If the bike was idling fine before and the the problem occurred without you tinkering with anything, there should be a noticeable difference once the seal is restored.

-If after resetting, it seems to fluctuate every time you cycle the bike on and off I would check the TPS sensor to see if it needs to be replaced.
So did you not rotate the engine to do this job? If so then I'm going to do this soon, I thought you HAD to rotate the engine.

Maybe you could list your steps....thanks in advance and hope you get yours worked out!
well i have the bike back together, the problem has not gone away [confused] took it for a ride and the idle just progresivly climbs and i have to clutch it down in first gear... i'm thinking that i'm going to have to reset the TPS???

nope i didn't rotate the motor, it takes alot of patience and a couple of very short 1/2 open and boxed end wrenches "speed wrenches do not fit". an extra set of hands is very useful as well
^Thanks for replying. Sorry it did not fix your issue. I'd definitely try resetting the TPS and the AFV. Doing that alone made a difference on my bike. i'd also check for stored engine fault codes or whatever it's called. Also I'd do a breather reroute. My breather lines were spraying hot oil onto the IAT sensor and this I believe was causing my bike to lean out.

How long did it take you to do the seals?
The seals took a couple of hours, the longest part of the Job is running back and forth to the store to buy another and another.
Here's a list:
Short 1/2 box and open end wrench.
1/4 wobble end and socket wrench"get some extensions"
T27 torx bit socket
Pay the $ and go to he HD dealer and buy the head wrench
Qty=1 small zip tie <- u have to cut the one off the throttle cable next to the frame to get some slack. That's about it... Good luck!
Thank you so much! Knowing I can do it easily I will tackle it on a free saturday...

1/4 wobble end and socket wrench"get some extensions"

I have a 1/4" wobble piece, but what is a socket wrench?

Pay the $ and go to he HD dealer and buy the head wrench

What's this?

Thanks and sorry to TJ.

Do you have ecmspy and everything needed to do the TPS and AFV resets and check trouble codes?
the wrench from the harley dealer is an allen head that ratchets and has a wobble to it, this is a must have to get the allen bolts on the left side of the intake off and on.

a socket wrench is a ratchet for the wobble sorry for the termenology...

i dont have the program for the ecmspy and i'm not sure what a AFV is but i need ths stuff desperatley!!!
the big part of this job is patience, getting the intake out is a little tricky! the flanges want to hang up in there, you'll get it! remember either you spend a little time in your garage or you pay a shop like $500 bucks! easy decision for me :D

my shop helper "WIFE" was invaluable :D
well, its fixed!!!

apparently the prior owner had a shop set the Throttle on this with an intake leak, when i replaced the intake seals i had to reset it...

runs better than when i bought it :)

thanks for everyones advice, you guys saved me a bunch of $$$

I think you've inspired me to do my intake seals as well. Knowing I don't have to rotate the engine I think I'll tackle that as one of my next projects.

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