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no the sliders wont save the frame but they look good, besides its fully loaded with insurance so as soon as she goes down im getting my street glide since they will all be totaled when there wrecked.:(

the knuckle heel guards came from:
Josh, hey as long as your happy with it that's all that counts. I dig everything cept the bags and the HD shield.

But what I think doesn't matter. I'm sure most riders don't my Cee Bailey shield, but I don't care because it works for me! I don't like pulling over every five minutes to clean bugs off my faceshield.

I liked HD at one time, but they are selling off Buell items like it's no tomorrow. Once all the shelves and showrooms are bare, they won't bat an eye at you, except when you go screaming by on your Bolt and they break their necks trying to see what wicked Vtwin machine is flying by. Surprise surprise!:D:D:D
Good on ya for the personalization.

I'm with the OPs on dispatching the bar and shield.
Spike bolt kits I guess are cool till lay it down and one is in ya. The bar and shield got to go. Harley had a chance to dump Buell without losing so much money also. Can Am tried to buy the company. The blue and white go together, I am just not a fan of the spikes and brass knuckle things. Streetfighters were originally about stipping all that isn't necessary. Pretty much how most Buells come from the factory. Now go use those bags and put miles on the thing!!!
I like to see any personalized bike...
Borrow some ideas and cross off other ideas off MY list.
I dig it, Josh. [up] Like you, I do sleep-overs with an XB-R.

Since bars & shield is a sub-topic; I crossed it off aesthetically (and value my XB's H-D roots, too).
Rotate it, do smaller, larger, color(s), something different. And BOTH sides, please!
i agree with wiznut on all counts and sulute his honesty. the brass knuckle heal guards are the tackiest add on i've seen on this forum. and let's not celebrate HD too much, let's not forget what they have done to buell and it's customers.
Josh, Josh, Josh.....A Streetglide? Really? Don't be silly. :p Anyways, how well does the tall windshield work? I'm 5'6 and the wind off my stock shield nearly kills me. Thanks, Wayne
the tall windshield is fantastic wouldnt sell it for anything! seriously its that good its not a double bubble its just strange it is a memphis shade dont believe they still make them tho.
Some times simple is good! You might be trying to mix to manny colors. But im happy for you. but if I could give you one peice of advice please loose the brass nuckles. If i had to guess your age based on those alone, and im not trying to be rude, but I would guess 15 years old. Put your stock ones back on.
every ones bagging on the harley sticker i think its sweet things they probably forget to appreciate is that they would have a bike if it wernt for H-D and btw nice bike
Some times simple is good! You might be trying to mix to manny colors. But im happy for you. but if I could give you one peice of advice please loose the brass nuckles. If i had to guess your age based on those alone, and im not trying to be rude, but I would guess 15 years old. Put your stock ones back on.

I would guess the opposite actually... I picture somebody more like the brabraaabrabraaa riders in the southpark episode when I see this bike...
Josh, it's your scoot - so really the beauty and appreciation in your own eyes is the only one that matters. Everyone and they're bike is different and I'd wave at you all just the same.

Ride Safe.

sup josh ive always liked your bike, if i ever get thru Mo. I'll look you up. These H-D haters would want to kill me if they saw my bike.
Well since you asked...... I personally think the bike looks tacky....but that being said, everyone has different taste. If you lost those heel guards and all of the stickers, the bike would look much better. But hey, as long as you like it

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