Hey FIDOSOL......Check this out!

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bitter rod

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2008
You see the new "Squad II Mil Spec Pack" from ICON. Well here it is...


I think it is pretty sweet. You military guys should love it...[up][up][up][up][up][up][up]
Where oh where did Fido go? I hope he's still alive... I always wonder about that with us crazy folk. I feel a new topic coming.
If Fido is an army guy like me, you never know were your gonna be from day to day, hell i ended up in Afghanistan, And that Pack is cool, but i don't think its very tactical for the army, Maybe Cad pad green, then i would have one.
Well ya'll, I have been doing the BDC at Fort Knox all week, F*ck!nG PRIVATES, everywhere, they're like an infectious disease.

That pack is pretty sweet, the downside is that while it is within army regs for reflective material on your person and/or bag, the Fort Knox Commander has put out that we have to have seperate reflective material for our body and our bag. That way if we are in an accident and become seperated from the bag and the bike...they will be able to find us. Hmm, dunno about you but I'm not going to be going fast enough on post to be seperated from my bag....ever.


just a question...that's all...
FIDOSOL, I'm in the army too. This argument about 2 reflectors was brought up by a crusty warrant officer. He said we had to have one on the back (bag), and one on our body. I asked why up front? He said "so they will see you coming", I told him thats why it's the law to have a headlight on 24/7. Since then, I refuse to wear two, because it's ******* retarded! I think it's AR 90-5-1, don't hold me to it though.[mad]
For anyone interested the regs are.....

Army Safety Program is AR 385-10, paragraph 11-9, 23 August 2007

Fort Knox Safety Program, paragraph 4, 23 April 2004

Fort Knox Motor Vehicle Traffic Regulation, Appendix B, 3 August 2007

Feel free to quote me on those...:D

In addition to those regulations our post commander was influenced by the infamous "Good Idea Fairy" and decided that seperate belts (one for body, one for bag) would be mandatory on Fort Knox (at least that is what everyone says), I've yet to find the policy letter on that, hell I've never even been able to find someone that has seen the damn thing.

Now on the off chance the Post Commander or whoever started the two belt thing (be it rumor or otherwise) sees this post and wants to talk to me about it for any reason at all whatsoever. I mean no disrespect to anyone this may concern/mention/imply mentioning, or otherwise relate to.

SPC Cruce, Thomas D.
I would personally like to see it in writing as well. It makes no sense! If it's not in 385-10, then it should be a posted amendment. That's what I made them do, when blousing the new flight suit came around. I refused for the longest time. Then they amended the reg, and I was forced to do it. Good luck on your post, their doing the same crap at Ft. Rucker.[down]
They do the same at Fort Leonard Wood (I had the unfortunate opportunity to go there for a bit). You can argue with the gate guards all you want, but you still can't get on post without the extra belt.

Someday I just want to see the statistics that our power ranger belts somehow save lives. If bright florescent colors work, then why did I get hit from the side on a Kawasaki Green ZX-6 (back in 1998)?

Until then, just come out to Bragg - one belt on the backpack (or sissy bar, if you happen to have one) and you're good to go.
I guess you're right Bill, there are only two assignments in the army Fort Bragg and other...
Hay FIDO, Im one of them infectious diseases you speak of, and im pretty sure you were one to.