HID in our blast

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2010
is it literally as simple as buying this and installing it or is there a need for an expense hid bulb harness like in cars?

oh and is there anyone or anywhere i could get a cheapp speedo sensor?
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Unfortunately it is not that simple. That is some shady marketing and misleading wording they are using to make you think their blue tinted filament bulb is HID. It is designed to give you the HID "look", and it doesn't even do that very well.

Just save up a bit and get an HID kit from DDM if you really want HID. They are only about $25 dollars for a pair. So buy one set, keep the other as a spare or sell it on here to recoup some money out of it.[up]
that's not a real HID

it has a filament in it

they like many others they are lying

a true HID draws an arc through Xenon gas, ie no filament
dang it!
typing while another is posting the same thing again!

I wonder how many times this will happen tonight
lol, it is always nice to have a confirmed answer from multiple sources. :D
its extra funny because the last one was in the blast section too :D

oh and the DDM will cost a bit more, you will need the one with the solenoid to move the HID bulb fore and aft with the high and low switch.
note on the hi/lo function of DDM hid's. I have installed a set in a friends car, 93 dodge shadow, when switching from low to high the difference is very minimal. IMHO not worth the extra money as it basically does nothing. Maybe someone else has experience with the hi/lo and has had better results [confused]
that's going to be dependent more on the build quality and design of the reflector and the space behind it.

any idea how far the bulb moved in the housing?
you should need about a 1/8 inch of movement or more for it to work properly.

but some reflectors are going to work better with an HID bulb than others. filament alignment and if its going side to side or front to back when in the vehicle. if the filament goes front to back and the second filament is stacked on top of the last the bulb movement needs to be up and down (or side to side depending on socket orientation) not front to back.
but the blast bulb up top has to filaments in line with one another so its fore and aft movement should be fine.
these bulbs are only like $8 a pair on ebay and that includes shipping...they produce a white light and look and work great...obviously they can't make an HID bulb that cheap...IMO they look good on my bike but this is just another time when you should watch what you buy

overall good buy for the money
yea it looks like a siverstar knock off

I wont get into the optics debate on those bulbs though :p
Delta, we got a good amount of movement, but now that I think back the filament is a stacked one I believe and that is probably why it worked so poorly for our set up. Also the head lights in a dodge shadow suck. [up] to DDM's hid kits tho! had a set in my car now for 3 years and still going strong