High bars

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Dec 5, 2009
I have a 09 CR with the clubman bars, just can't get used to the position. Bought the highbar kit a while back and now about ready to install them. Looking at the parts and through the manual, it looks rather time consuming. Anybody out there install them by themselves? If so, how difficult was it. Tha local stealership wants about 250 to do it. Thanks!
Man, I just did that about a month ago. I am not a mechanic and took me about 2 hours to do the job. However, it took me additional 2 hours to f@#k with it to make it work perfectly. I had problems with the throttle not returning correctly, I have clutch and brake fluid that leaking out of the lines and handle bars hitting the tank. Now, looking back, I can do a better job because I know what I need to do. Its not that hard, just tinker with it to make it work perfectly. GOOD LUCK!:D
I'm a mechanic for a living... its basic but its a PITA!

Swapping the bars is easy routing the brake and clutch hydro. lines is so-so but the throttle cables suck the big one! There is a couple really good threads with pics on badweb that I used with some good tricks to keep the throttle working smooth.
SchlongCR, just make sure the throttle cable is straight and not twisted. Make sure the handle bar tilt forward and not hitting the tank.