I have a question if anyone could help. About 80% of the time, when i start my Blast it will idle really high for about 2 min and then it will slowly go down to a normal idle. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
Can't say much about the blasts but XBs have a cold start enrichment that runs until the motor gets to its normal operating temperature. Mine tends to idle high like you mentioned between 1 and 3 minutes. I'd say its most likely normal.
ok i wasn't sure it is my first bike. It just gives me time to finish putting on my gear, lol. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't like a bad sign or hurting anything. thanks
actually helps in my opinion, gets a lot of oil moving in the right direction, and burns any residual fuel, low idles are not as efficient on these motors and can cause loading and plug fouling, until operating temp are reached, no worries mate