Hit in run in my car, but I got the guy!

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Aug 10, 2010
Well a fat man in a ford escape rear ended me yesterday and then thought he could out run me to get away.
I got off of work and there was someone following to close and i happened to have an animal try to run out in front of me, I applied my breaks and sure enough he hit me.

I look in my rearview mirror and see he put his hazards on, and so did I. I get out (not even mad) and the guy decides it would be better to run! He goes into a parking lot and exits out on the other side (in front of me) and storms off! I hop back in my car and start driving after him and trying to call the police at the same time. We drive the the outskirts of the town and then he turns down a road on the outside of town and starts racing away. I took a lucky guess as to which road he turned down and went that way, he was further ahead of me then I could see cause I kept trying to get my seatbelt back on and get 911 on the phone. I also just got new tires the day before so the car wasnt up to going balls out.

Anyways, I made the right choice cause once I got done with the straight part and went over the hill I seen him on the bottom of the hill turning left into another road. I turn down that road telling the dispatcher what road it was on. We passed a vehicle that I hoped was a cop sitting on the side of the road cause they usually do around this area. Focusing on the driver I noticed he got stuck behind a car but when I caught up he decided to pass them, I did the same when it was safe and then the driver turned down a driveway behind a house. I was far enough away that I was hoping I seen the right driveway.

When I pulled into the front of the driveway I noticed there was a cop on me (good, turns out that was a cop) He starts calling in my plate and I hear it over the phone, I tell the dispatch that the officer calling in that vehicle is me. The officer comes over and stares at my while im on the phone which dispatch (he didnt know) and calmy asks if ill get off the phone so he can talk to me. I tell him im on the phone with 911 and that I was just in a hit an run and the vehicle is down here. He asks me to repeat myself like 10 times. I finally get off the phone with dispatch and 3 other cops show up (dispatch already sent them out). The officer has my follow him behind the house and I was praying I made the right choice of where they turned down. Turns out I did.

The vehicle behind the house was the same that hit me and was smelling of burning engine (working that poor escape to death). The officer made me confirm that this was the vehicle that hit me and I did. Then him and the other officers went to the door and a fat bald man comes walking out half naked asking whats up. The police question him and he said he has been home with the kids for awhile and that the vehicle is his girlfriends. The police notice that all the kids are in their underwear and all their clothes are in the middle of the floor. (Yes this man was stupid enough to be going 80+mphs around drop off hills, and huge turns, running through the town WITH HIS KIDS INSIDE!) THe police use their scare tatics and finally get the guy to yell "YEAH I hit him! This mother ****er slams on his breaks and then chases me through town!"

At this point one of the other officers is getting my information and tells me I should go and he will call me later to get me the drivers info. THe officer calls me an hour later and asks that I come in and give a statement. While driving there I see the driver of the vehicle that hit me driving the same vehicle! I thought the police was having both of us come in and give a statement! Luckily the driver took a left and I took a right. Turns out the police took him in for it all and have a list of charges they can press against him.

Funny thing about the story is that the car we passed was a friend of my friend who just got dropped off at my house. My friend at my house heard us pass the house and his friend called him saying that two crazy people just passed her and a cop was flying passed her trying to catch them!

OK, Damage. It isnt much at all, just some chips on the bumper, the impact was 20mph or less cause we just got done doing a right turn. My car is a 2004 Volvo S60 R. Fast and safe :)
I was rear ended yesterday too (In my Honda CRV) on the way home from grocery shopping with the roommate. Mine didn't involve a wild chase but a near fist fight with two bozos who smacked me. Another vehicle made a left in front of me, I brake, idiots behind me tried to pass and accelerate at about 20/25mph, gunning it. Roommate (passenger) ended up needing to go to the hospital (bad whiplash and double vision), the CRV ended up getting about the rear 3rd bent so bad the doors don't open. After stopping, two early 20's tools jump out and start making threats, calling me a crooked veteran, military P.O.S., and begin to approach. This is the point where I realize I'm becoming an old man (30's) because I didn't turn them into red pulp, as I would have 10 years ago but only raised my voice while commanding them to stay back.

Minnesota (where I'm at) seems to have a ton of bad drivers but I'm astonished at the tenacity of people in general these days. Loki, I'm glad the police were there to assist you. My situation wasn't as favorable, I was offered a citation "if he would have seen it" said my officer. Didn't help one bit that the community service officer and another officer who responded were friends of mine.
I got off of work and there was someone following to close and i happened to have an animal try to run out in front of me, I applied my breaks and sure enough he hit me.
yea sure,we're all family here you dont need to give us the cop story ive read enough of your posts to know what really happended.you brake checked his ass just like most of us would have done
Well I just need to cover my ass so thats the story im stickng to ;). But break checks do come out of no where! Bad thing for the driver is that in the state of Missouri there is no excuse for a rear ender and anything past the rear axle is the other vehicles fault, its a law. Even if a cop rear ends you from lets say you break checking them. It would be their fault and on them for the repairs (him giving you a ticket is still possible, not arguing right vs wrong here)

Kona- I will admit it was a blast. I was surprised at how calm I was and how I didnt have any adrenaline running through me.

Rpower- So who was deemed at fault by insurance?
Same way in Iowa and Neb Loki, the idea is that if you're close enough that you can't get stopped you're tailgating anyway.

There were instances where people would stop in front of you and back up into you around here so I carry a camera with me in my console if anyone tries that crap and I can react quick enough.
bahaha...this was in the Burg, right? Luckily you found the guy! I'm sure you'll see him around town, and I'm also sure he knows your car now, being as you're probably the only Volvo S60R in town. Any vandalism done to your car in the future, I'm sure this guy had something to do with it!
Also, it would have been great if he was driving fast on Mitchell going North towards the hospital and hit the RR Tracks...dude would have probably wrecked after he landed (unless the burg has fixed that RR crossing)...
Jonny, Thank you :) lol

Renegade, are you around here? And yes the police are also aware this guy might come and vandalize my car. So they are prepared.
Glad you caught him! lol.

I had a lady back in to me at a red light (take a minute to ponder that...) and then take off as I was stepping out of my truck. I chased her and called the cops once stopped(didn't stop until she was home). She acted like she had no idea what happened. The cops did nothing for me saying we both fled the scene and it was my word against hers. Luckily almost no damage so I just dealt with it and moved on with it.
Eric- Good choice to you also! They are awesome cars. What year, color, tranny is yours? Now I just need to turbo my 1125 and we'll be like best buds!
Ha! Mine is a 2004 Sapphire Black ext. with Nordkap Black interior, 6mt, 18" Pegs, IPD tcv, 3" exhaust with Magnaflow mufflers and an open K&N with about 90k miles. It's a great car! Clutch is starting to slip under hard launches so I'll be upgrading that soon. I want to swap out the center console and rear bumper for a 2005+ style and paint the rest of the trim too. It is really clean though. Here is a short clip from when I finished the exhaust. It is the only file I have access to right now.


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