How Big Are You

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See I'm like close to 5'6" and about 240-250 and it's kinda funny seeing my short fat ass ride a bike that I can hardly touch the ground on. I can go down the road with my feet dangling with out them touching the ground. It rather funny to me lol
too big

still I like my rides small, bike&girls
I would venture to say I am the largest on the board coming in at 6'6" 357 pounds! Yeah I make that thing look small!! Hahaha I know people are like WTF??
6 and 220 I feel fine but I was told the other day by a girl that the bike was too small for me and I should sell it to her....I sent flowers to the services.
Kind of a personal question but i'll admit I have a slight weight issue. I have a thyroid condition !
I would venture to say I am the largest on the board coming in at 6'6" 357 pounds! Yeah I make that thing look small!! Hahaha I know people are like WTF??
your bike must struggle to get your ass going. my uncle is 7'1 and like 285 and his harley sounds like a boat trying to move with the anchor stuck on a rock. me - 6' 185lbs
hahahahha yeah Zero I am sure it puts a little wear and tear on it!!! hahaha I'll have to get the wife to take a pic of me on it before she takes it and puts all her pink crap on my poor Buell!!!!
if it wasn't friggin snowing [mad]EDIT oh and -12 C as i type this
I would post a picture. I finally got a J rocket summer riding coat that fit last fall Woot 5XL 6 feet and about 275 25%=Budweiser 75%=working out :D (Bear Humpin a Foot Ball Comes to mind)
Kinda fun to see peoples reactions first they hear the bike and then they see Me lol
5'7" 175. I rode an R so they don't look as short as an S. Most people I see on an S who are over 5'10" look like a monkey humping a football.

5'6" 170lbs. On my toes at a stop.
I guess 1 inch does make all the difference :D ah ha ha.. Actually I'm flat footed on mine.
Pretty sure I'm the smallest guy on here, cept Dave maybe.
5'6" 147 usually on one foot at a stop light and more often then not I have to get off the bike to back it in lol.