How cold where u at?

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Forcasted high for today 79 degrees.
About 40 degrees right now.

Chandler, AZ
Live here in Muskegon, MI and I have done 19* for about 5 miles and well needless to say I didn't have the proper gear on so I was hurting BAD!

I don't have the gear to ride below 50*, so I jump in the truck. Vented jackets, mesh gloves, and Kevlar jeans do nothing to keep out the wind. Plus when I am bundled up like a 1st grader I don't feel to nimble on the bike and or trust the cold ass roads.
here(Switzerland)its at about 14°F.. about 20cm snow..:) time for snowboarding rather than biking :D
Its -14*C here. thats 6*american.
where are you at? btw I hate all of you that have temps above 50! although is nice once spring comes, I hop on my bike when its like 45 with just my shirt/pants and think its nice!
It was freezing when I woke up this morning! It was like 65F! I may have to close the cooling vents in my suit when I go for a ride today! Hahaha got to love San Diego. Dont hate:)
far left down is mph/top across is temp
Wind speed (in mph) still air temperature (degrees F)

wind chill temperature
0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30
5 100 90 79 69 58 48 37 27 16 6 -5 -15 -26 -36
10 102 90 77 65 53 41 28 16 4 -9 -21 -33 -46 -58
15 103 90 76 63 49 36 22 9 -4 -18 -31 -45 -58 -72
20 104 89 75 61 47 33 18 4 -10 -24 -39 -53 -67 -81
25 104 89 75 60 45 30 15 1 -14 -29 -44 -59 -73 -88
30 104 89 74 59 44 28 13 -2 -17 -32 -48 -63 -78 -93
35 105 89 74 58 43 27 12 -4 -19 -35 -51 -66 -82 -97
40 105 89 73 58 42 26 10 -5 -21 -37 -53 -68 -84 -100
45 105 89 73 57 42 26 10 -6 -22 -38 -54 -70 -86 -101
50 105 89 73 57 41 25 9 -7 -23 -39 -55 -71 -86 -102
55 105 89 73 57 41 25 9 -7 -23 -39 -55 -71 -87 -103
60 105 89 73 57 41 25 9 -7 -23 -39 -55 -71 -87 -102
65 105 89 73 57 41 26 10 -6 -22 -38 -54 -70 -86 -102
70 105 89 73 58 42 26 10 -6 -21 -37 -53 -69 -85 -101
75 105 89 74 58 42 26 11 -5 -21 -36 -52 -68 -83 -99
80 105 89 74 58 43 27 12 -4 -19 -35 -50 -66 -81 -97
85 105 89 74 59 43 28 13 -3 -18 -33 -49 -64 -79 -95
jek - I'm in Edmonton, Alberta. 2FN cold 6months of the year.
Time to polish up my board I guess.
On a bright note, my bike will hold it's value
twice as long since it'll spend half of it's life
cryogenically frozen lol!
up here in the Chilcotin its a balmy -6 C (20 F)
(halfway between Williams Lake and Bella Coola...)
had my last ride a couple of weeks ago and BamBam is put away for the winter....

I knew moving up here would cost me a few months of riding (Vancouver Island is a temperal rainforest and since I am not made of sugar, I rode year round with raingear)

BUT with the endless miles of mountains, valleys and ridgelines galore the winter months will pass with boarding, mountainbike riding, cross country skiing and the projects which i have already begun....
That doesnt make sense if you go 75 it gets warmer then doing 70. And btw, i rode 70mph for 10 miles in 20f... worst time of my life, had to pull over after words and warm my hands and body next to my muffler. And i was only 1.5miles away form home.

Protip: Dont do it.