How do I remove triple trees?

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
Hey all, I ripped down most of the front of my bike, and the next step is removing the triple trees. I've never done it, but it looks likt I just loosen the pinch bolt on top, then remove the bolt on top, and then there may be a nut underneath the top triple tree then it all slides apart? I'm just wondering if I'll need any special tools or anything because I just watched a video on you tube on another bike and they needed a spanner wrench...

Also, the bike has 9,000 miles on it, do you all thing I should just replace the bearings anyway? I'm taking the whole front apart to get most of it all powder coated, and replacing/repairing some other parts at the same time.

Does anyone know if the stock parts (frame, swingarm, triple trees, forks, etc...) are powder coated or painted from the factory? I'm not sure which it is.

Thanks for the help!
The parts are powdercoated.

Yes, the triple tree just slides off the top. It is tight though, so I used a rubber mallet to tap it off.
yea, only the top bolt on top, then a rubber mallet for the rest. Do each side evenly though to avoid any damage to the forks.

no wrench needed.
Thanks for the responses! I should have this all apart tomorrow! (gotta work a half day though :( )