How Much is My XB12R Worth?

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bitter rod

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2008
Yesterday I was able to see the 1125CR in person. They had the black and the red. It made me start wondering how much I could get for my 2004 XB12R. This is the expert forum, so I turn to you. It has the following:

Race exhaust and ECM
Air Box has been opened
Carbon Fiber pieces all over the place
never been dropped
11,000 miles and tires have just recently been replaced.

Let me know what you think for trade in and out right sell.

Out right sell I'd say $5500 on the top side and probably $4500 on the low. If it's done right I'd pay $5500 for it. (If I was looking)
Realistically I would estimate somewhere between $4000.00 & $5000.00. Just an educated guess... Good Luck.....
I think part out the carbon fiber and sell the bike as stock as possible. Unless the person specifically wants those mods, most people want to do the mods them self to make it their own.

I think $4500 with and without extras.
Here is the hit in the balls

I doubt you will get any of those numbers, BadDad being the closest, but as many know I just got a new to me nike only a month or so agao it was an '03 I give you that but it had only 4,000 miles and looked as if it had just rolled off the show room floor, had a Race kit and custom paint job.

I payed $3,700.

I would say even with or without the extras and the CF eyebrows, oil scoop, belly pan, and tank cover you are looking at roughly $4,000-$4,300.[sad]

If I was you I would put the bike back to stock and sell all the CF parts seperate. You should be able to make $500 just in the CF extras.
Mods are generally wasted money on a bike when it's time to sell. Like Dave said, you're better off selling them individually and putting the bike back as close to stock as you can. With maybe the exception being an exhaust.
Yeah I have to agree because like in cars, you buy mods for your own enjoyment you will never reap the benefits of the mods if you sell them. I got my new to me bike which is an 05 XB9R with 5k miles and only paid 4000. So I would say 4500 if she is in immaculate condition unfortunately. I would say just keep her so then you would have two bikes (if you can afford it). My 2cents. Like the POW/MIA patch on the jacket too.[up]
I doubt you will get any of those numbers, BadDad being the closest, but as many know I just got a new to me nike only a month or so agao it was an '03 I give you that but it had only 4,000 miles and looked as if it had just rolled off the show room floor, had a Race kit and custom paint job.

Didn't you buy a Firebolt XB9? They tend to run on the lower price side anyway.

Bitter Rod,
Also do some comparisons on what people already have listed.
Yes but 9's and 12's used stay within a comparablke price it is only new or fairly new they run with a difference in price.

Atleast that is what I have seen while searching for my last bike.

But who knows it all comes down to how patient you are and if the right person comes along.

My numbers are just based on what I would be willing to pay if I was in the market for one.
hey maybe i can help...

i just recently purchased one almost identical to yours...same color, race kit, new pirelli's, minus the carbon fiber, but with 10,000 miles... paid 3,400. i did talk them down from 4k, but i think 4k would prolly be the best u can get in these times.

I paid $5000.00 for the 2005 black/gold with 3500 miles and $6000.00 for the 2008 white/blue with 900 miles... Both were purchased within the last year... Both were cherry....
Strip it down to bone stock and trade it in, then sell all the aftermarket parts. You will get way more out of it.
I just bought my first bike. An xb12r 04 with 5700 miles. I bought it from a custom bike shop. They wanted 5k but I talked him down to 4k because of a few ended auctions and nother on craigslist that were priced around that. Its not got a scratch on it and has a jardine pipe on it. Not sure if the ECM has been messed with. Is there a way to tell that or not. Anyways ive been shopping around here in florida for a little while and I would say 4k or maybe a little less. Nice bike though. Good luck.
Man I got hosed on purchasing my 05 with 19,996 miles on it. I dropped a dumbed amount. I feel like going back to the harley dealer now.
Strip it down to bone stock and trade it in, then sell all the aftermarket parts. You will get way more out of it.

If your planning on selling it for the CR I would do the above. Trade in will be far greater than a private sale, and then you could sell all the Carbon Fiber for mods for your CR:D.

Good luck with everything Bitter!