How to choose between a Firebolt and Lightning?

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2011

I am wondering how one goes about choosing which style Buell they want to buy. I know you need to "ride one." but all the dealerships here in Minnesota won't let you ride unless you have filled out the paperwork to buy yadayada. I am not going to buy from a dealership because its a rip-off and CL has way better deals for better bikes. How the heck do you know if you like the Bolt of Lightning model more before you buy if you can't ride them??

And no, none of my friends have a buell. My roomate has a blast, but that doesn't really count.

The R is a sportbike and from a distance looks quite a bit like one. The ergos are more aggressive. The lightning looks like no other bike on the road. From the bare frame to the dual headlights we all know when its a lightning coming our way. The ergos are more like an old school standard bike. The motors are the same.
Sit on it and see which one feels better to you. Other then that it's just a guess. Lol good luck
I know all of that. I just mean I don't know how I will know which one I like the "feel" of without riding one...but riding one doesnt seem to be an option until you have basically paid for one.

I know the engines are the same and all that jazz. I just don't know which style I will like riding..
I suppose. I have never actually seen a lightning in person, besides flying past my car on the freeway with me hanging out my car window with the thumbs up!

I have sat on a firebolt and it felt sick, but driving is a different story. and I would love to feel a lightning.

Especially with season running out and plans to buy this winter sometime i want to know what i am getting into.

Although when all is said and done, i will be happy to be on a buell whatever it is.
I have never actually seen a lightning
haha, i meant in real life. I have seen plenty of pictures and I love the look. Never been able to sit on one, or hear one.
Really it comes down to whether you want to ride a sportsbike with aggressive leaning forward positioning or you want to ride a dirtbike. Sitting on a smaller dirtbike (xr100) would give you the basic seating position and feel of the lightning.

The lightning is much easier to live with and ride long distance over the long haul. If you're just running around town and like the look the the sportsbike better than bolt would be it.
They sound the same as they have the same engine... so dont worry about the sound so much. I'd say try to find someone near you who is selling their lightening, and sit on it. Even if you dont ride it, just sit, keep the kickstand down, and put your feet up on the pegs. get a feel for the position. THEN, do the same on a 'bolt. which one do you feel more comfortable sitting on? There really wont be much difference in handling, so whichever one you can sit on for the longest or whichever one feels the most natural for you is probably the one you will want.

I agree that the lightening models are more comfortable for longer distances, however, I chose the firebolt over it because I just liked the way it felt. I have since traded up to the 1125R, but I like the riding position of the sport bike over the position of a standard bike.... it is really a comfort decision
It really comes down to 3 things.

1) Do you want a windcreen or not? If yes, then you want a firebolt.

2) Do you plan on doing a lot of 2 up riding? (if yes I recommend a XBR or XB12Ss

3) What do you think looks better?

You can make a lightning feel just like a firebolt (bars and pegs) and you can make a firebolt feel just like a lightning the same way.
know you need to "ride one."

Question, why is ride one in quotations?

Do you mean not actually ride one, but perhaps hypothetically ride one? Or only in thought?

I usually like to "sit on" bikes before "buying" one. it helps me "understand" how they might "feel" in a "real world experience".

Ok, I'm done teasing now. Get an R, they're wicked awesome.
The bolts have a small screen but its just big enough to make a difference in bad weather.
The lightings are cool and that was what 1st got me interested in the Buells, but I already had a standard bike also, so I was looking for something a little different.
And the bolts are doable for long rides as long as you can spread your weight across the air box.

When you find "the" one you'll know.
^^^ haha i love it!!

i guess i meant it as a someone told me that you can't know if you will like it without riding one. "but," i "realized" after i wrote it i "made" a mistake.

In a perfect world I think I would prefer a Firebolt with a Lightning tail. but those are hard to find in general, and definitely harder to find in a realistic price range for myself.

I am just torn.
Just get the firebolt. I'm pretty comfortable on mine and like having the nose fairing and windscreen.
I know of someone with a lightning. I'll see if i can get u in contact with her and let you sit down on the bike.
No offense to the Bolt guys but I just think the front looks like an afterthought from Buell, however, the rear of a bolt is badass. I have a Lightning so of course I'm partial but I just think they look badass at every angle...

I sat on a Bolt recently and decided I was glad I didn't get one, I'm only 30 but my body has been abused over the years so the S is more comfortable to me.

Its amazing though how the S corners, I ride with mostly sport bikes and they can't believe how I handle the twisties on a Buell ;)

Good luck on your search Bud!
What kind of riding are you going to do most?
More in town type of riding or just screwing around on the backroads the Lightning is the perfect weapon; upright comfortable ergos and crazy manueverable (like a dirtbike).
For long highway rides and especially colder weather, the Firebolt, I feel, is the better bike. That fairing doesn't look like much but it does make a substantial difference with the amount of wind that hits you. The more sporty riding position also helps you lean into the wind which I GREATLY prefer for highway riding.

I've owned both so I have a pretty good feel, I think, for what each bike is good at.
When you find "the" one you'll know

I am actually laughing about this one! [up]

I am 21, i know now i am automatically looked down on. but i am not too worried about my body being able to handle it. I inherited my dad's HD streetglide (i know, crucify me) so I have that for longer rides and riding with my woman before she gets her own Buell.

I personally think the lightnings look better, but the Firebolt would be a nice change from cruising to aggressive riding style.

In the end, it might come down to what style I can find the best deal on. I am going to love it either way. Its a Buell.