How-To Video: Burn a Race Map onto Stock ECM ('03-'07)

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Never got to thank you for making this video! I had been fighting with ECMspy since I got my hawk back in August, got absolutely nowhere. Finally after watching your video, 3 times, and then following along with it step by step I was able to find out the original map I downloaded was completely screwed up by looking at the 3-D map, which I never would've known to do before, and eventually got a better map loaded to my ECM. I still have to wait an entire month at least before spring gets here and I can try it out, but at least I have hope.
[up] Thanks for the thanks!

Edit: I never got to thank Dave (dave_xb12r)for video inspiration and theoctopus for the "walk through"
Dave is a big help too. I had to reference his TPS reset video for the full story, although I still have to wait to do that part. Couldn't leave the bike running in the basement long enough to do the whole reset and idle adjust.
Sirius that's simply great it will help lot’s of us with less knowledge of EcmSpy.
I have two questions:
- If the Eprom type is the same between the original and the race (let’s say they both are BUEGB231 04-02-03) there is no need to copy and paste the race maps onto the stock, right? You can just simply upload the race Eprom and burn it ? Am I right?
- Once loaded the race map is worth it to run the data true Megalog and make an extra tuning, as is explained in the tutorial? ( or the race maps are just ready and perfectly tuned?
The only bikes that you can burn a race map straight onto a stock ecm is the '03 xb9's. You can do it on the newer bikes but it will not run correctly and you risk bricking the ecm. The only "perfect" map for YOUR bike is one that you tune for your riding style and location. It really all depends on the mods that you have done to your bike on wether the oem race map will get you close enough.
@ dallasb - I'm not 100% that is true - do the '03s not have their own firmware firmware version?

@lukesw - 1) Yes it'll be a straight copy over
2) No, the race map is not 100% for YOUR bike. The race map was designed for a better intake and free-flowing exhaust system. However since most people do these mods anyways, it's a great start. I'm not sure that you can run the data through Metalog as you don't have any 'log' files - you would have to do actual datalogging runs to do that. Now whether it is better to burn the race map first and then datalog or go straight to datalogging is a toss up - as it strictly depends on your bike. Hope that helps.
The 03's have the same firmware for both the race and stock eeprom. So you can burn it directly to the eeprom. It still is good practice that you don't burn any eeprom to your bike unless it has matching firmware.
[up]thanks guys ... that was also my idea.. burn the race maps first, than a tps reset (just in case) and go for a datalogging ride ... run the data true Megalog and run the VE analisys... and see the result ...
If I burn the race EEPROM onto the bike does it work good to burn the stock one on later if needed? I have a 03 too. Stock firmware is buecb050 and race is buecb060
I always recommend burning Maps and manual changes only, it's not that much trouble and is infinitely safer.
Hopefully doing this succesfully tonight.
Tired of looking back 10 pages.

Ding ding: round two
Damn nilla, did it yeterday morning. If you want you can come by with the s or I can just give you the cable and software next time we meet up.

Must be a visual learner b/c it took maybe 5 min. Havnt ridden through all the gears yet so not sure of the improvements. Rain and sleet today so unfortunately not riding today either.

Sirius85, thanks for the video!! +1