I am Guilty... (leecher)

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Aug 11, 2012
Mr Buell XB Forum... (to whom it may concern)

I have not posted f**king anything for 7 months now. I originally picked up a 2nd hand Buell xb12r 05 model in great condition for a good price with 18000kms* on the clock.
I am guilty of being a "buellxb.com leecher" as in, reading the relevant posts and not adding anything relevant.

Well just an update for those of you who are interested in reading. The main problem I encountered was the ****** stand. The previous owner had taken it upon himself to replace the original ****** side stand screw with a slightly smaller and shittier bolt. No wonder he had it on a race stand when i went to buy it! So after this simple addition http://www.buellxb.com/Buell-XB-Forum/Do-It-Yourself-Buell-Mods/11-sidestand-upgrade problem one was fixed.

The next issue and still current, a 'rattle' not audible but you can feel it in the front end when going over sharp bumps in the road. I replaced both the front wheel bearings and the steering head bearings. The front wheel bearings were fine but the steering head bearings (ball as opposed to tapered) were shot. I replaced both with the ' www.allballsracing.com ' equivalent and the difference was extremely noticeable in the ease of steering but the rattle was still there. When stationary I can hold the front brake on and push the forks down and get the same feeling. Does this mean my forks or fork seals are shot? If so, what next?

Another possibly helpful post is the shaking speedo. We all know these things vibrate more than our mother in laws' top drawer, and my speedo had shaken itself loose on three anchor points. The thread was f**ked so rather than order the $250* speedo kit replacement i got a fine drill bit and a few washers and split pins and one fiddly job later it was fixed for good.

Another addition was Cycle pirate pegs. Original foot pegs were broken (this is embarrassing), due to me parking the bike in a mates driveway (after doing a feet-up burnout up the length of it) getting off and standing proudly beside my beautiful bike only to discover that the driveway was ever so slightly off kilter and the bike fell over about 2 feet away from me... Right hand peg and indicator snapped. New ones ordered and fitted. Happy. The next time (possibly more embarrassing) was when, after going to the pub* thought it would be a great idea to do a few fast laps around town... drunk... and as a result leave my bike parked out the front of my house in a ****** street while i went to work with a hangover the next morning. My awesome and beautiful girlfriend thought she'd do me a favor, and through no fault of her own dropped it on it's left hand side... Left peg snapped. Okay. Thought this would be a good opportunity, as I am quite tall and lanky to order and fit the Buell 1" dropper pegs. Did that and was was extremely happy... until the third and most embarrassing 'peg snapping event'. Just pulled out of the RTA* and was travelling along at the required 50kph*, thought I'd put my wallet from my jeans pocket and safely place it in my zip-up jacket pocket. I dropped it, thought 'f**k' did a u-turn and thought 'I'll just stoop down and pick it up on the run'. Idiot. It was with my right hand and at about 0.5kph* and as you guys know these things don't run too smoothly at idle, rather than pull my clutch in and coast, i lent in and my bike had a splutter, lost my balance and stacked it at a snails pace on a busy road in front of a lot of people I had just overtaken. Right hand 1"dropper peg and right hand indicator both royally f**ked. So... Rather than admit my stupidity, I got after market pegs and extra long vibration bar ends to make up for my next drop.

So anyway, after a lot of vitally important and ridiculous lessons (and a lengthy post) my bike is still kicking and amazingly not scratched thankfully to the handlebar/foot peg placement on the things!!

One last point I must bring up is steering dampeners. Am I just a girl or are these things twitchy as f**k around bumpy corners? Never believed in them before but now think it may be a life lengthening idea. Any feedback appreciated.

And as one last side note an awesome ride a friend and myself are going on for Easter weekend away. Thank you for listening and sorry for the lack of posts.

Yours sincerely
avid Buellxb.com fan

Interesting story. Thanks for finally introducing yourself! [up] Welcome!

Now stop that drunken riding stuff! (we'd like you to stick around for a while ;) )

Sounds like you need some crash/drop protection on your bike! Please see our site!

Ha! Thanks 50dro . Your site is actually very user-friendly. I am slightly concerned that if I order too much stuff from you, my dream of mastering 'stoppies' will become a messy reality... :p
Ha! Thanks 50dro . Your site is actually very user-friendly. I am slightly concerned that if I order too much stuff from you, my dream of mastering 'stoppies' will become a messy reality...

You're welcome! Thanks for the compliments on the site!

...at least you'll protect some bike parts in the meantime! ;) Keep in mind we don't sell stunt cages! LOL
Welcome to the forum ! You need to post more as I find your cursing and slang humerous ! Also your readiness to call yourself out for doing stupid things is great. Please do tell more stories for my amusement. For this I will reward you your first rep and if you've been lurking so long you should be aware of the rules. Post a pic or we asume you ride a huffy with pink tassels .[up]
Lurkers are totally just riders with Huffys sporting pink and sometime rainbow tassels, envious of our bad ass motorcycles.
Lets see those tassels guy!
And welcome finally.
welcome to the dark side gherkin. i have a ton of customers in OZ, especially in your area around tamworth, sydney, etc. the aussies are some of the most pleasant, honest, and friendly folks i have ever met....ever! regarding your rattle my 2003 XB9R suffered from an incredibly annoying light rattle on braking. found it was the crappy OEM chinese front brake pads. a set of EBC HH pads did away with the noise. don't know if that would be the case with yours or not but thought i'd mention it.
found this in gherkin's photo's
I have the same rattle.... I tightened the stem and all the front end and it got better but is still there I also have it every time I hit a bump or touch the brakes. It started as a chatter but now is just a annoying clicking. I have the stem bearings just havent changed them yet
Welcome to the forum ! You need to post more as I find your cursing and slang humerous ! Also your readiness to call yourself out for doing stupid things is great. Please do tell more stories for my amusement. For this I will reward you your first rep and if you've been lurking so long you should be aware of the rules. Post a pic or we asume you ride a huffy with pink tassels.
That is a sweetass ride my friend! HA ha ha! I think it may be too good for me though, and I'd have to quit smoking...

As for photos, I've got myself a new computer and have none on it and for some reason (copyright I'd imagine) I can't copy and paste the ones off Instagram. So even though it's the lazy way, here is the link to my instagram account. There are only three of the bike... one I'm sure you'll find entertaining. P.S. Sorry about the cats and food!


Thanks Lunaticfringe. I haven't looked at the brakes as yet. The guy I bought it from said he had replaced them, so he may well have gone the cheap and nasty route.

Oh, And I forgot another mod was an HID light conversion kit. Holy **** it made a difference! Highly recommend. Quite easy but fiddly and hiding the ballast's can be a little tricky.
There is also an anti-rattle clip in the front caliper. If its installed wrong or missing you will get rattles and clunks on initial brake application and over bumps.

I would suggest getting a friend to hold the brakes and push down on the forks well you pin point the noise as your starting point.

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