i miss my bike

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its coming up to summer here in Perth, Australia and i can't ride mine waiting on new motor 6 weeks i have been told. :( i think that would suck even more watching eveyone out on their bikes and im grounded
i just wish mine hadn't been stolen. the only time i get to ride is when i "borrow" one of my dad's bikes lol :(
woot im going to get to ride mine tomorrow it may be mismatched but im riding it . . . paint hould be finished monday night after that its everyday
i just wish mine hadn't been stolen.  the only time i get to ride is when i "borrow" one of my dad's bikes lol

Wow! A stolen Buell!
There's something that practically never happens.
Musta been some kid who'd never seen one before...

Well, it was 38°f this morn when I left for work.
Topped out 'round 60°f just in time to head home.
I ride year 'round here in Texas where it can be 96°f on Jan 10th,
and then 4 days with highs 'round 27°f before another warm-up.
No Buell Pussy here...

I'd take 30°f over 100°f+ any day...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"The war is coming to the streets of America and if you are not keeping and bearing and practicing with your Buell then you will be helpless and you will be the victim of evil."

--Da Nuge
I stick to my guns.
I'm good @ addin' layers for cold.
I stay good and comfy.
Down to 'bout 20°f I'm good.

But I can't get nekkid enuf for 100°f!!
Throw in this freakin' Gulf Coast humidity!
HELL on earth I tell you!

Lookin' forward to our first Polar Bear Ride here.
Thins out the Chilly Willie Buell *******...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"...and laying a finger aside of his nose and giving a nod, on rear wheel he rose!"

--From "'Twas The Night Before Daytona" by Kris "Fatboy" Kringle
Brrrr it's 70 and cloudy in Huntington Beach, CA today.. Not sure if it's warm enough for me to ride either.. :p
BPG- you should take that back. that's the best thing I love about living here. plenty of riding time! I've been riding to work all week myself :)