I have an 06 xb12ss.
It has been sitting for a couple of months due to weather and I bought an 09 Fat bob. I've been doing a bunch of mods to it so it hasn't been turned on in a while. I tried jumping the bike and that didn't work. I tried charging the battery and it did nothing, yes the charger works.
What is the part number for this? Are there any reccomendations for a better product? What are you guys using?
Thanks for the help,
It has been sitting for a couple of months due to weather and I bought an 09 Fat bob. I've been doing a bunch of mods to it so it hasn't been turned on in a while. I tried jumping the bike and that didn't work. I tried charging the battery and it did nothing, yes the charger works.
What is the part number for this? Are there any reccomendations for a better product? What are you guys using?
Thanks for the help,