I tested my bank angle sensor today...

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2010
Nebraska City, NE
Yeah that's right the old BAS got a good test. I came rolling into town on old highway 2 to find that a train was stopping @ the crossing. Since it was pretty hot I didn't feel like waiting for it to get going again and clear the crossing so I went to do a u turn. As I was coming around into the opposing lane and looking up the road that direction I caught some sand/concrete dust mix on the shoulder and she came out from under me like I was on ice. No damn warning. All I thought as I hit the ground was "you gotta be f#$kin s%^tin me!!". Well since I was wearing an armored jacket and heavy denim jeans (and a helmet of course) I just got a lil rash on my left hand and a bruised knee(and very bruised EGO).

The bike faired worse than I did really. I now need:
-Left frame puck
-left grip
-Left bark buster
-Clutch lever
-left bar end
-I think the shifter and the mounting bracket are bent, I know @ least one of them are (would like suggestion on good aftermarket ones)
-new fairing spikes
-and my left side case is tore up but I think ill just scrub it up and clean the furries off and call it good

I don't think it got nething else the swing arm and the forks were save by the side case and the wide uly bars. I had to ride it home with the clutch lever broke off (which was manageable) but it acted like it was shifting funny. Ne ways if ne ones got some good used stuff or some suggestions for affordable new stuff let me know. Oh and safe riding and where some gear :D





Im all fixed :p
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**** happens...... Buy a new clutch lever and wear the rest like a badge of honor...and know that next time she washs out on you , and yes there will next time..... Let that top spin and save the skin.
I have a clutch lever that's missing the ball, it's yours if you want it.

and if you need someone to pick parts up and run them down to you let me know. also have an extra bar end plug, but I think you'll have to get the ones that mount the hand guards.
Nope no gloves Augustus, might be buying a pair. I had actually been looking at some last week.
Thanks wolf, I've gotta call into Frontier and price parts from there, might call Dillon too. I'll probably fix all of it with new stuff. I did find that buellparts sells the pucks and hand gaurds one by one so I can buy lefts only. Biggest deal is the clutch lever and the shifter. The Uly bar ends are different, haven't found those online yet.
That sux man. Glad you came out ok. Kinda makes me feel better to see only minor bumps and bruises cause I wear the same protection, armour jacket, helmet, and riding jeans. Makes me want to look into a nice pair of gloves also. Glad you are ok man.
yeah fish gloves I now see as a must, it makes sense that you always try to catch yourself with your hands. At least my rash was tiny and not near as gruesome looking as wolfo's last spill :D.
Just spent my lunch break looking up parts, and I gave a call to Dillon Harley so hopefully I can get my bike fixed even faster than my hand heels. there was a poker run I kinda wanted to ride this weekend, prolly not gonna happen[sad] oh well.
I started another "need part numbers" thread if ne one has em. Also wouldn't mind suggestions on a good shifter upgrade and maybe lever upgrade.
ASV levers are pretty sweet. And I'm glad yours didn't look anything like mine bud lol
Bummer man! Glad you're faring well.

+1 on the ASV Levers. I don't have them myself (yet) but I saw a set over the weekend and they're beautiful. About $160 gets them shipped to your door from Motomummy.com.

Good luck with the rebuild and the recovery!
So I fixed up my side case, it looks pretty good, good enuff ne way. Even after a good scrubbing it was still grayish and all tore up so I went @ it with a heat gun and "remelted" the plastic until it smoothed out and turned black again. I'll post up a few pics later. Still waiting on my other parts :(
heres mid repair on the side case u can see the top that ive re-melted turned black and the bottom is what about a 9 inch by 4 inch area looked like b4

and then the finished product, which isn't perfect but good enuff and cheaper than a new case :D

and a pic of the uly sunning herself after her post crash bath
Well I finally got around to throwing some new parts on the old uly this evening. Got the bar end. grip, hand guard, clutch lever, and frame puck on. Dillon Harley got me the wrong shifter part, but the right one is in I just need to go get it. Honestly the hardest part was getting the Phillips screws out of the hand guards. I had to break the old hand guard off the screw and then grab the screw with channel locks and run the mounting nut off with a wrench. The screws are trashed so ill get some new ones later.
The frame puck came off easy by cutting the double sided tape with some fishing line. The old grip I slit in half and peeled off then installed the new one with my blow gun. The bar end was a pain to get on too, I had to heat up the end of it a little with a lighter to get it started and then tap it into the bars. Clutch lever was a breeze.
I can honestly say, since I have done a bit of collision work on other bikes, Buells are pretty easy to fix up after a small spill compared to others. Not only are they easy to work on, I spent about $200 on parts and on the zx14 I just fixed (that took a much lower speed spill) it cost more than $200 just for the decals on the side of it, so they're pretty cheap to fix too. so I guess what im getting at is, if you have a "special" moment like I did and screw your bike up a bit, don't freak out. its easy to fix and not that expensive, so order the parts and get crackin' :D

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