Idiotic Question

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
Alright i have a dumb question im hoping you all can help me with. Not the primary cover but other side the side with the little timing cover plate. Whats the name of the entire cover that houses the timing plate? Haha... Please chime in with answers as well as laughter.
If i take it off to have powdercoated will i run into any issues? Bearings shims etc....

Yup it holds in the cams an it's tight fitting with some brass bearings in it. and obviously when it is pulled off everything will be exposed.

depending on the year (if it has the circular cover) you will have a sensor in there too
I have the headers off to be ceramic coated and figured if I want the cam and primary to be black now is the time cause the header covers it. If it matters its an 06. You think this is highly difficult? Is there seals?
Do you have the repair manual? If I recall correctly there is one gasket. Difficult? Naw not so much, IF you have the manual
I just did the same thing. The biggest thing is that you will need to at least take the rocker boxes loose to get the cover back on easily. With pressure on the cams, it might be difficult to get the cover back on. I just got through doing this myself, so if you have any questions, let me know.

Another thought, try not to let the cams unmesh because then you will have to recheck the cam timing. I had the rear intake cam come out on me, and It was not fun putting it back in.

FYI, this is NOT an idiotic question. Better to be sure and go ahead, than to do it without knowing and really screw something up.
idiotic is NOT asking

Fo shizzle!.. I would rather admit that I don't know everything then screw something up. Been there.. done that. Stoopid questions are the ones not asked. Learning the hard way often sucks.