idle/throttle question

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2010
so my bike was idling a bit lot (has bin for a while) i turned up the idle to about 1100. and went for a long ride today. the bike ran fine and everything but i did notice now when i let off the throttle while at speed that my rps dont drop and i dont get near as much engine braking as i used to. it seems like my rpm's fall very slowly and my engine braking has all but almost vanished unless i down shift.

honestly it makes for a bit of a smoother ride and i can get used to it, but i just would like to know if this is normal behavior?...
Yeah thats perdy normal. Last time HD set my tps they set my idle a lil high and it annoyed the hell outa me. Last time i reset mine myself and set mine a lil low like 950 and i actually like it better. The idle sounds sweet and it doesnt decel pop as bad (i have a D&D pipe). But u do have to make sure and bump up the rpms when u leave a stop or ull stall it.
yea 950ish was where it was before i changed it, but alright thanks buellybagger, i appreciate the reinforcement, its good to know it'll be fine! :)
Yes it should be alright, just make sure to give the Rider time to get used to it the Engine Braking is affected as you noticed. So you will need to be better on Downshifting and overall Braking ability. When you reset TPS make sure to do it by the book ride it some then put it at the 1,100RPMs that you like.
You may notice over time that plugs will be different and fuel consumption will be slightly higher. The harder Downshifting you can use 75/90 Syn./gear oil to help with that. Or at least an Synthetic Stabilizer in the Transmission like lucas if your a 20/50 user.Just an Idea from the repairs I've done over the years.*Jimi ;)