Idler pulley bracket stuck on....insight before I create more work for myself

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Jul 4, 2008

The first time the bike came out of hibernation, the gas turned to fuel pump yada yada....I noticed this issue...and was just reminded of it with swapping the muffler, I am gathering parts to swap to the 04+ belt setup as well, I had to remove the idler wheel instead. Not a big deal now. However when I swap to the newer belt eventually, I will have to swap the idler setup. :confused: <<-- Are the brackets the same, just the wheels different? Just thought of that...

Either way I want to be able to remove it. This is a project that I can see me doing something stupid and causing more damage, (i.e. losing patience) I cant finagle a puller to grip the bracket. So, asking for a little insight on this. I pounded on the bracket (soft faced hammer), soaked with penetrant, still no losey. I haven't tried to remove the studs yet. However, are the studs seized, or the body seized to the tranny.? Dissimilar metal corrosion? My next idea is a little heat possibly...

As of now, I don't NEED to take it off, but I want to be able to when the time comes....and the fact that's its stuck on there irritates me more.
If you can double nut the stud i might try to break it free that way and see what happens but dont break the stud. Or just give it some more time with penetrating oil and maybe try a little heat on the bracket. I remember having a hard time with mine years ago.
Okay, I need some clarity.. you want to know how to remove the idle pulley bracket?
But to answer your other questions and if your taking the idler off.
1) the idle pulley brackets are different from 03 to 04
2) the idle pulley wheels are the same od and can be used from 03-09
3) if you want to remove the idle pulley bracket you need to remove the belt first to relieve the pressure on the idler
4) I think I did a step by step write up a couple of years ago on how and what you need to do the do the 03 to 04-up belt swap
DUH oh yea double nut it. I totally forgot about that trick..

I had to remove just the wheel as the bracket wouldn't budge.
I've seen the belt swap but I'll have to look for it again. Thought I had it saved....Just got a 06 front pulley off ebay. Came with the front cover and idler assembly. Wheel is shot on that setup. However the bracket is good.
Good to know that only the brackets are different.

Trying to squeeze out as much riding time. Only 38^ on the way to work....burrrr