If anyone see's blue buell parts on ebay let me know.

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My mustang was stolen, the theif put the supercharger on eBay with the serial number in the picture. DUH, i bought it and sent the cops to pick it up......EPIC
I forgot - Search Tempest will also let you search eBay too. Makes life a little easier. Good luck with the search and please keep us updated.
Im keeping my eyes peeled wolfo.. if i see it i will casually follow it and then agressively remove them from the bike with force and the use of some .357 mag persuasion..
lol, don't get in too much trouble man. just call the cops if they stop and let them follow.
i may have posted an add lookin for a parts bike or engine on c-list

I also joined up OMR on facebook and they said every bike from their group that was stolen was found so far except for one. One of the guys stealing them is being sentenced tomorrow so who knows what kind of results I'll get.
After all that work on the bike, now some ****-for-brains horsethief takes it from you?!?

I really hope you find this waste of protoplasm trying to sell it online. I really hope he's that stupid.

Sorry to hear wolfo. This is getting all to common.........Was it at your house??
That sucks! Those people need to get a job and buy their own ****, not steal someone else's hard earned and worked on bike,

Oh definitely post if you get it back ASAP because you have a lot of people ready to take down who ever they see riding this bike. you don't want to get it back and be riding it home and have one of us fired up Bueller's take you out thinking you're the douche that stole it! lol