If you need a new 1125cr

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I am not stockpiling buells lol, Even though this will be my third one since November. I bought two cr's. I still have one and sold one to a guy at work for what i had in it. I still have one cr and will be picking up an r later this week.

I sold my Harley last week and paid it and the cr off. I can't just have no bike payment now can I? The way I look at it, I'll have 2 buells and still be saving $200 a month on the bike payment.
Jealous[mad], I want an 1125 CR so bad, but It would be ripped apart almost immediately, have a S tail fitted up and new CF custom pods built for it from a buddies shop, where they build up and paint Pro Mod, Rail, and Funny Cars.

I have the cash on hand (thanks to taxes and profit sharings) but know I need to pay off debt rather than get another bike[smirk]
I just checked their site and it does say 17 Rs and 109 CRs. If true, how did they do that and I didn't think there were that many left in the whole world.

I just put my 09 CR up for sale in California.
Stoked... I just got mine.. $8600.00 Aussie dollars, bargain I think. Wanted a black one but could only get red. Got 4 all together, 2 white n 2 red
I just bought my Black '09 CR for 6780 + ttl and accessories (heated hand grips, service manual and oil and filter for first oil change), I called down to McHenry since it would only be a 5 hour drive for me and they wouldn't come down from 6900 on a new black CR. I had one dealer 3 hours away that wouldn't come down from 7600! I have no trouble believing McHenry has a lot of bikes after speaking with them.
Gr has a ton aswell not sure if dealers dropping buells are returning them or what here is the ones still crated at grharley

Last i looked the have an 09 white and blue r aswell
well i dont live to far from the harley stealer ship, i might check it out some time this week.
*****!my life would be complete with a black&white 2010 cr!
Reality bites for at least a few more months!
Hopefully there will be one around , but I ain't holding my
I live pretty close to McHenry Illinois. If you all would like to just pay for one I would be willing to go get it for you then you could pick it up at my garage sometime... say around August or so. No problem... glad to help.
Just letting everyone know that there is a smoking deal at CC Cycle. I just picked up a 2009 1125CR there for $5750, brand new, zero miles. The dealer is about an hour and a half south east of Des Moines, Iowa. They had two left for sale, a red one and a black one. I purchased the black one and Matt, the salesman, told me that he would sell both for $5500 each if they were gone within a week. I couldn't find any friends that were ready to pull the trigger for the red CR, so I am letting everyone know about his amazing deal. The dealer has these listed at $5999 right now, but would sell them for $5500 if both were gone within a week. If anyone is interested, let me know and I can give you the dealer's number.
Holy $hit! I way overpaid! The extra grand in my pocket would have been worth an extra 8 hours round trip!
Are those OTD prices or no? I know that's knit-picking but just curious.

I bought an '09 XB12Scg right before Buell went under for $10k OTD. They picked up the title, tag, new vehicle registration, and taxes. Saved me over $1k in overall costs. Still lost in the end though. Should have waited a few months. :(
Just picked up a new 09 CR from McHenry today and picked up my wife a 09 XB12scg factory demo a month ago from them. I bought both of them from Chris and everyone at the dealer was great to deal with. Props to McHenry. I spoke to two other HD dealers in the area and neither of them seemed to want anything to do with Buell.
What's up with the Buell locator? The numbers haven't changed for weeks.

I went to McHenry and the peeps seemed ok but they definitely weren't trying to deal. They were also pushing the demo's. Wound up going to Woodstock to pick up a new CR with 0 miles plus the high bars for less than McHenry wanted for a used one, with the clubmans and only months remaining on the warranty.

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