income tax returns!

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
my tax returns were deposited in my account today... too bad I am buying a house and need to spend tons of money on putting in a back yard or I'd have a new bike. sad day...
i Here that. I feel like all my money just go's away with the wind and never comes back! Damn it! I wish it would rain $$$!!!
Mine is getting spread around to the different bikes I have that need stuff. Oh and I'll be buying a Blast for the wife as well.. :)
If I have some money left over I may spend a little on the bikes. both need new tires, and would like some race bodywork for my track bike.
agfish what level is your race license?

i finally got a legit sponsorship up here in ak at the house of harley. but i'm probably moving to North carolina to begin a career in racing. it's a good center.

not to thread jack or anything.
Honestly, I took the school and have a race license, but I took it like 2 years ago and havent actually raced, so I am not sure what level it is... I just go to track days once the season is started up. I get more time on the track for the money that way. SMRI charges $70 for the first race, and all other races are tiered ($60 for second $50 for third and so on.) I get a track day for $75 and get the whole day essentially. I am considered intermediate I guess though. not quite up to that expert level yet. close! but not close enough lol.
I hate tax return time, I hardly get anything back. What really pisses me off is when people get back more than they paid in. Sorry for ranting I hate taxes.
Bolty, not getting much back should be the goal. Otherwise you are effectively giving the IRS an interest free loan throughout the year.
mine might be going to get a big bore kit from nrhs

also to fixing the bikes tranny
Honestly, I took the school and have a race license, but I took it like 2 years ago and havent actually raced, so I am not sure what level it is... I just go to track days once the season is started up. I get more time on the track for the money that way. SMRI charges $70 for the first race, and all other races are tiered ($60 for second $50 for third and so on.) I get a track day for $75 and get the whole day essentially. I am considered intermediate I guess though. not quite up to that expert level yet. close! but not close enough lol.

you got more experience then me! unfortunately the racing up here is set up as time trials therefore no need for licenses, i'm gonna get to WERA and be as fast as a expert. but be stuck in intermediate.

I'm still dreading buying a track bike for down there. at least someone here turned me on to not quite sure what class i want to race.
Hoping to pay off the last bit of the loan on my XB(supposed to by up in July). Once I get that loan taken care of I can get a new loan so I can get to buying a supermoto [up]
I'm anticipating a huge return. :) I work a fulltime job and have started on the side. All the money I've put into it and the truck I bought are deductible!