Except xerox doesn't want into the American market. I hope we are going to see Buell forever but I asked myself why would Hero want Buell?
Technology- nah they got engineers
racing - maybe but to what end?
a patten we don't know about - a real possibility
The ability or license to sell bikes in the US with fuel costs expected to rise- very good possibility
Why would Buell want Hero- It virtually guarantees a Buell Motor cycle for the future.
access to small bike production lines- yep
a virtual goldmine of potential customers-yep
a way to circumvent US red tape-yep (look at the shipping industry).
I really just want to see Buell bikes continue to be made American and not have to go through another HD style situation.
I am sure EB doesn't want this either and has safeties in place so I think after cooling off this will be a good thing but I don't trust the Indian business practices that's what made me mad. Not ignorance or anything like that just being thorough in my own mind.
Technology- nah they got engineers
racing - maybe but to what end?
a patten we don't know about - a real possibility
The ability or license to sell bikes in the US with fuel costs expected to rise- very good possibility
Why would Buell want Hero- It virtually guarantees a Buell Motor cycle for the future.
access to small bike production lines- yep
a virtual goldmine of potential customers-yep
a way to circumvent US red tape-yep (look at the shipping industry).
I really just want to see Buell bikes continue to be made American and not have to go through another HD style situation.
I am sure EB doesn't want this either and has safeties in place so I think after cooling off this will be a good thing but I don't trust the Indian business practices that's what made me mad. Not ignorance or anything like that just being thorough in my own mind.