Insane wobble over 120mph

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Jun 12, 2009
I took my first road trip to Austin today. Alot of great long stretches and the other two bikes I was with were a V-Max pushing over 200horses and a V-Rod not pushing much less. Well a few times we opened up and i never made it past 120mph, I would have to give the throttle a whap and roll off due to a scary ass shake in the front end. Is this common? I don't really want to spend hundreds on a GPR but it looks like i won't have much choice.
Looking for luv in all the wrong places ,doing 120+-mi bredrin.
I figure you need a stabilizer otherwise.
Could be a few things.. anything from tire wear to uneven suspension settings.

My bike started to shake when one of my fork seals started leaking.
check to make sure that the front wheel weights did not fall off, I'm a bike tech and we actually had a bike com in this week that was unbalanced by about 3 ounces and would start to wobble at 57+ mph getting progressively worse with acceleration.
Haven't checked the wheel balance, tire pressure was in spec, wear and suspension settings were all on point. I had even just come from a hd dealer ship toget some recall clutch clip put on and they checked the bike for pressure tire wear and suspension settings they adjusted. I trust the guy because he had his CR parked outside and this dealership still proudly carries buell. They are actually buying other dealerships stock. I"ll check the balance tomorrow hopefully that helps luckily the torque from the xb was enough to settle the shake so I avoid a tank slapper. And I'm sure god didn't create motorcycles to be ridden gently.
it could also be the rear tire out of balance too. or if your rear tire is worn down, i had that happen to me b4 at 120+ i just balanced the rear tire, plus i had ****** tire on it.
suspension adjustment to suit your weight... even then you usually got to play a little to get it spot on and then check tyre balance and wear.

you should have no problem bouncing your bike off the limiter and still keep true.
it could also be the rear tire out of balance too. or if your rear tire is worn down, i had that happen to me b4 at 120+ i just balanced the rear tire, plus i had ****** tire on it.

It has to be a cheap tire or the wheel is slightly unbalanced. A lot of times people don't realize their tires are off balance 'til they get up to those speeds.
I have a 2008 xb12s and it also has a wicked ass wobble at 110 and up. I took it to the Harley shop and when I picked it up it seemed fine, but the wobble has returned.
There are a lot of factors that it could be these are all the ones you should check to get to the bottom of this: wheel balance, all components torqued correctly,
wheel bearings, fork alignment, suspension settings,steering head bearings and proper adjustment, suspension oil breakdown or improper height, out of round wheel, misaligned brake rotor, and damaged component internally on the forks. These are about the only ones I can think of for now! Last thing are you a wheelie guy?
+1 on suspension set up, turn everything to zero and put it a bit tighter than you want it and try again.

also make sure you tuck in, sometimes helmet buffeting or other factors on the body transmit to the bike. with no windshield and tall bars body position becomes hyper critical.

I have done 130+ (I have a 9s and the gears start to run out around there) on my lightning but never much more than 110-115 with the stock bars on it. If you keep pushing the envelope I think you should seriously consider some clubmans or clipons.
crxtacy, I'm not a wheelie guy. . .Yet. I'm actually a very green rider. i've put about 800 miles on my bike, that trip to austin there and back was maybe 120-130? and the first time i really got to travel for extended times at speed. (trying to keep up with a v-max and a v-rod) :) I've lifted the front up just from getting into it hard on the 1st-2nd gear shift but i don't think it lifts more than a foot or two and i just stay on the throttle and try to shift forward til it comes back down.

Delta, yea i put the crossroads -7's on and i rest my chin pretty much on the bolts. i hated the stock bars once i got over 40mph. now i wish i had them when i am putting around on post and sitting upright but i'd rather deal with that than the discomfort i had going normal highway speeds.
I'm with Trill, my bike starteddoing some head shake when I blew a fork seal. It started shacking around 105-110 tho on my bike.