Installed some driving lights.

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2010
Nebraska City, NE
Installed some driving lights today. What you guys think.? Iv robbed the power from the 12v dash port since I've never used it and put a small switch next to the bar clamp. Hope they last, they are plenty bright for the money. 20160827_114129.jpg
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Not too shabby. I put some on my CR not long ago (not the same lights as yours) but leds are amazingly bright, aside from having crappy light distribution.
aside from having crappy light distribution.

I'm not all that worried about that, but had wondered, i've noticed that on some of the pickups that go through work that have LED lights installed. Been riding for 15 years and I've made one night journey(other than cruising around town a bit) and was actually impressed with the stock headlights, as were the 2 harleys i was with!. Mostly installed as bling and thought it might make me even more visible in the daylight hours too.

oh and pics or it didnt happen sirius!
I just took another look - the seller has changed, but the ad is basically the same. It was racepromotos with a feedback rating of 2 and now it is joyracing with a feedback of 18. I would say buyer beware, but my experience was very positive.
While I appreciate you going through the trouble of getting the correct information, I've been down this road before, I ordered a set of lights this before, after 3 or 4 months of them promising the lights were on there way, I gave up and cancelled the order. It's good you got yours and good luck with them. Oh, by the way, Amazon would NOT allow me to leave any negative feed back or post my story.