Integrated tail with Buell blinkers

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Thanks for the replies! A friend of mine mentioned the epoxy. Going to give that a shot first.
Very nice. The epoxy is the way to go. Just go the local hard ware store and look in the glue and caulk section for one that bonds plastics. It will do exactly what youre wanting +1 [up]
Ended up using an epoxy called Fahrenheit rated up to 500 degrees.


Back in business![cool]


Thanks for the input!
no it just blinks red. I know Riderdie put the orange covers inside his taillight, but I didn't put in anything to change the color. Maybe someday I'll try jamming the orange pieces in there to see if it does anything.
If I got a clear lense I'd have to get something to turn the clear tail light bulb red and to cover the whole turn signal with orange. Even with Riderdie's orange covers they don't go all the way over. I think it would just complicate things. I saw someone riding last night with and LED tail light with integrated signals that blinked in orange and his tail light was so bright and the mix of colors just turned into one big blur. It actually makes me feel better about my fear that my light isn't bright enough. If nothing else that'll just make it easier to tell the difference between the two. You could tell he wanted to turn because of the orange blinking, but you still had no idea which way he was going.
Ya that was the Original idea, but it just shows red.
They don't cover the blinkers completely, I painted them silver to be more reflective. They work more for separating the lights.
Two weeks ago I did it again and completely covered them in that epoxy.
It lights up great at night.
i bouught some LED license plate bolts that are AMBER in color... and chopped the tail off my 1125r and put the license plate bracket of my 12r on the bike... then bent the original blinker mounts out to face the bolts back... clean look i think... cheaper than a integrated for sure... i'll try n post up a picture or two
For what?
Had the set up on the first page for almost 2 years.

The cover makes everything red anyways
Amber bulbs for blinkers and a clear lens. Sweet idea nonetheless. I'd also be interested in more front end shots and more info on the bolt fairing.

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