Sorry crash.getting out of work late sucks. I haven't had time to call about the hats. The guy works 8 hour days. I left a message for him and I will get back with you all asap. You sound like my
damnit! Am I too late to get in on this? I must have completely missed this thread (not that I've been on much in the past couple months, but still...)
Will this work? Its great for Crash and company but I hope everyone else is good with this. I should be picking them up tuesday and shipping soon after. Thanks guys.
hey wanta6th2, great dealio for shipping but if my eyes are seeing that correctly $41.95 is wayyyy too much for me to spend on shipping costs up here to the great white north eh.
Being a Bueller on a budget you can just drop mine in an envelope and ship it via snail mail.
Thanks again for getting these done [up]