Interesting gremlin

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2008
I went out for a hard "therapy session" last night and had an issue that ended up replicating itself once more before I got her back home. Un-seasonably cool night last night in Vegas, decided to take my baby out for a hard run down. Good ride, about half way to the canyon I happened upon an intersection faster than I thought and got on the brakes harder than I usually do, but totally in control. as I approach the intersection the bike seems a little lethargic on decel and as I hit the stop line the bike dies. Hit the stop, then the RUN toggle and the bike starts right up, good ride, no problems, idle issues whatsoever.
On the way home, approaching the same intersection that this anomaly presented itself, this time I REALLY get on the brakes and throw her up into a stoppie. Similar issue except this time, when the rear touched down, I was easing on the throttle and kind of eased her along and kept the motor running. The 1st time I approached this intersection it was slightly downhill but on return it was slightly uphill. The tank was about half full. It felt to me that when I really got on the brakes the fuel sloshed away from the pump and the motor was starving for fuel, is this possible? First time this has happened to me on the Buell. Any thoughts?
is it an '03?

i cant remember details but sorta remember reading about a foam piece the race teams were using in earlier XBs to keep fuel from sloshing forward, away from the pump.
^ Truf. But it takes up space and therefor you get less gas in the tank.

I have had similar happen only my bike has never died, but drew the same conclusions you have.
looked up some info... apparently it happens on more than just the '03s. Matt from Adrenalin-Moto/Trojan Horse in the UK said they used Xplosafe foam in the tank to stop the issue.

not sure if this is whats going on with your bike but FYI
It's a '04 XB12R with about 13,000 miles got the full factory race kit but have never heard of this foam piece. Thanks Typeone
Most if not all supercross racers use that foam in the tanks. It has zero break down characteristics so it won't fall apart and get sucked into your injectors. It only takes up 1% of the total tank volume.

Here's the link,

Fuel Tank Foam
I know this is an older thread, but I just had this same thing happen to me last night. I remembered this thread, so i looked it up again but it doesn't look like anyone knows for sure if it is the fuel sloshing problem. It was kind of suggested but then the hijacking happened. haha.
Anyway, heres what happened to me. I was catching up to a car that i knew. Came up next to them really fast then nailed the brakes hard, and was gonna cruise next to them for a bit. They were doin about 40, and by the time i slowed to their speeds the bike had quietly shut off, with no fuss at all. In fact, I even tried to pop the clutch and start her back up bc i was still moving, but it was like it was in neutral...nothing happened when i let out the clutch. odd as it may seem, we happened to be going past my apt, so i was able to roll right up to my parking spot. I shut everything off, and it started back up no problem. I had only 10 miles on my tank, so I really doubt it could have lost the fuel feed, the gear thing also makes me thing it wasn't that. Any other suggestions?
do both of you have race ecms? it might be something as simple as hooking up ecm spy and looking at what your injectiong for fuel on decel... you maybe starving it for fuel and it just killing... may have nothing to do with brake might just do it every time you wrap it up in the real high R's ad then decel without down shifting...
Thats and interesting theory. I don't have a race ecm, but I might try some field testing to see if that may be the case. Thanks bro. Any other ideas, please feel free to chime in.

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