Intermittent Speedometer

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Oct 16, 2009
Hello fellow Buellers....

I have an '03 Firebolt with an intermittent issue with the speedo. When I turn on the key, the speedo and tach both go through their normal motion. The bike runs great. Sometimes the speedo works just fine. Other times it doesn't. It seems to stop working when I ride over some rough road. It also seems to stop working when it is foggy or there is a lot of moisture in the air.

Is there a way for me to trace the connections or do any of you have specific experience on the best way for me to do this?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
this same thing happened to me. i replaced the speed sensor and it works fine now. its an easy fix, its located just above the front pulley. just one allen screw.
I have one if you need it. I replaced it mid season but now I have a 12 motor in my bike so I'm parting out my xb9 motor. Pm me and let me know if your interested.
definitely speed sensor... easy to fix...takes about 10 minutes (if that) and fairly cheap too