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Welcome to the fed side of things. I was suppose to do one for the corps of engineers, but I think they used my military background. Again congratulations.
Once they see you ride a buell theyll be to afraid of your awesomeness to hire you. Sorry.
My background check took several months so be prepared to wait! I had a previous secret clearance from MP in USMC but that didn't matter. My most recent check last year only took several weeks as there was no new information to investigate. Eventually you will get a call from the Investigator to sit down and go over your background but it seems to take forever. Also depends on what level of clearance your agency requires. My look back is 10 years for my agency. It is so important to keep your driving, criminal, employment, and financial records clean otherwise if you lose your clearance you lose your job! Congratulations!
So I found out my start date finally it's June 1st thank God because I have been out here since the end of February beginning if March. The entire time I have been unemployed waiting on feds, just got a part time job for next four weeks " been looking for work entire time "! Got a apartment lined up, only problem now is how do I move my home to Arizona with nearly no budget? That's wife and two kids plus furniture?
Yeah but I've made zero dollars since February with a wide and two kids, but yes I do have to thank God and be thankful for what is coming. It's just a huge struggle thanks everyone for your comments any ideas on the move with a next to nothing budget?
I've moved a BUNCH:
If you haven't touched in a year. Sell it.
If you won't touch in a year. Sell it.
SELL everything you can (Craigslist, swap meet, garage sale) BEFORE you move. You have the free time:p Extra stuff, no matter how small, the little extra cash adds up fast. If you ever need it, you can buy it later. "Are you packing plastic patio furniture? Really?" Thats what the wife asked me once and it opened my eyes.

If you need a trailer or a truck, buy one and sell it when you get there. Should be cheaper than renting one-way. Same goes for your cars if you have more than the one your driving there with. It will save you gas, insurance, etc…

Moving is a great time to purge the crap you don't really need. Save all the stuff you'll need for the first few months, buy what you need once the paychecks start coming in.

Hope that helps! I'd look at this whole thing as a great way for a fresh start[up]
glad they finally got back to you about the position. maybe a "gofundme" thing might help...just a thought
Gofundme? And yeah I'm glad they got back with me to it was a long process and some setbacks on their side with trainers going to the hospital really got me down thinking it would never happen!
gofundme is a web page where people can donate money to your cause/needs. Internet "panhandling" essentially (terrible way for me to put it, but it's all I can really think of right now). You can reach many people that way. Are you/your family still in Savannah? Or did you move a little further north?

Have any more bike parts you'd want to sell?
Renegade- been a while my family is back in central Georgia, and I'm in Arizona. No parts to sell sorry!
Well guys, when I wake up in the morning I will go to work and be a FED. So I hope I can sleep tonight. Dont think I will be able to post until I get off! Wish me luck!