inthe dog house again

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Always keeping it light - I have different branches of the military that I work with, so it can get a little fun here.

Corpsman come in handy for too much GO11.

MENS department?

But, you both are right, Buellers unite! (Almost feel like I need to activate my wonder twins powers)
I know what you mean, prior Marine Sergeant, not a GS working on an Army command. HUGE change of pace but it fun. What did you do in the Navy? my old man was a fire fighter on ship, said it was a rough job
Electronics Technician (ET) on a nuclear powered missile submarine (SSBN). And instructor between boats. A little over 12 years service.

Been out for a while now - got where it wasn't any fun any more.
I got a friend that about to join, they are offering her nuke assignment. I bet that work set you up for a great civ job. I've never hear of you nuke guys staying past your obligated time, man taking this threat way off topic, lol
I was a normal ET, non-nuke glow-glow-in-the-dark.

I'll try to bring this back on topic. I think that was funny.
Awesome prank. Hope it doesn't blow back as far as employment. If he has any sense of humor he will enjoy it and maybe get a little innocent revenge at some point - all in good fun!
Great prank! If he's not a jerk, he'd take it and turn it around and use it on someone else; After cocooning your bike in about 100 layers of shrink wrap or funneling a cup of talcum powder into the tail piece of your exhaust, of course.
I'll call it like it is. Lesley is an old tool bag. Bet he is super fun to hang out with. No we can't do that we are too old and mature to have fun.
Holy **** Leslie, you sound like a load of fun to work with. It's just a joke, no harm, no foul. I highly doubt it was affecting work production.

Get the sand out of your vajayjay.
Haha! Thats a great prank, buddy of mine just bought a new bike, might have to try it:D. Id pull it on my uncle but his Harley already leaks! And its funny to read a "serious" post completely ruined by typing the word "vajayjay" :p . Getting fired for something so petty would be a lawsuit waiting to happen.
i had my nightster at work and some guys tried to pull that on me and it was damn near brand new i didnt buy it and looked briefly and knew it was a prank. My boss on the other hand had a pan head that leaked like crazy and when he took off for a meeting a bunch of guys poured 2 60lb bags of oil dry under his bike he had to get a shovel to get out of it
Thats priceless,love a good prank. People are way too serious these days. needed a good laugh,thanks.havent riden for 2 weeks and going crazy.riding to work tomorrow even if its snowing.freezing here in oz at the moment.
[up] I think it is hilarious...granted I'd be a little ticked at first, but I'd see the humor shortly after.

Isn't having fun the reason we all bought our Buells?
well, me and the boss sat down and had a talk this morning. It's all good, he see's the humor in it now. I told him half the fun is the payback, which kinda leaves me hanging out in the wind, but helped smooth things over.
I worked at a job that was pretty stressful and everyone was always on edge and cranky. We all pranked each other on a regular basis. It kept us sane but always looking over our shoulder. One of my favorites was zip-tying 5 big flat washers to a guys drive shaft of his jeep. clank-clank-clank-clank... WTF?!?!?!? Payback was a rainbow bumper sticker.
Payback was a rainbow bumper sticker.
That's always a good one!:D We did that to our boss once, thankfully it was one of those vinyl ones that come off really easy. He saw it right away and he tried not to laugh out loud. You definitely need to know your boss and when it's too much or just enough. If they don't have a sense of humor, don't try it.
A hundred years ago, when I was 17 or something, I put a 2 x 4 up against the door of a construction site portapo while my coworker was in there.

Didn't know owner had driven up and saw it all. He told supervisor to fire me.

He did.

Oh well.

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